






Spatialtemporal Variation of Soil Salinity after Water Saving Transformation in Salinized Irrigation District

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    為探明沈?yàn)豕嘤蚬?jié)水改造后因地下水水位變化造成的土壤鹽分重分布規(guī)律,采用區(qū)域土壤信息定點(diǎn)監(jiān)測(cè),并結(jié)合經(jīng)典統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)、空間插值、緩沖區(qū)分析和空間自相關(guān)分析方法,研究節(jié)水改造前后沈?yàn)豕嘤蛲寥利}分空間變異、時(shí)空分布規(guī)律及不同改造年限區(qū)域土壤鹽分變化差異。結(jié)果表明:節(jié)水改造后,秋澆前土壤整體含鹽量平均降幅730%,秋澆水量減少,秋澆后土壤鹽分淋洗效果減弱926%;空間上,土壤鹽分高值區(qū)(大于6g/kg)多位于地下水埋深較淺的東北和南部區(qū)域,低值區(qū)(小于2g/kg)位于西南和東部沙區(qū)。節(jié)水改造后,秋澆前土壤鹽分全局Moran’s I(xiàn)指數(shù)平均增幅為5%,空間相關(guān)性增強(qiáng);秋澆水量減少,全局Moran’s I(xiàn)指數(shù)變化不顯著,秋澆作用對(duì)土壤鹽分空間自相關(guān)影響度減弱。由LISA集聚分析可知,改造后、秋澆前南部高-高顯著區(qū)向不顯著和高-低區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)變,秋澆后南部集聚特征仍十分顯著,存在鹽漬化風(fēng)險(xiǎn),改造后仍是鹽漬化防治重點(diǎn)區(qū)域。針對(duì)中度耐鹽作物,沈?yàn)豕嘤蚋麑幼魑锷L(zhǎng)安全區(qū)和深層非鹽漬土面積比例分別為4966%和7157%;改造后,秋澆前耕層作物生長(zhǎng)安全區(qū)和深層非鹽漬土分別增加482、185個(gè)百分點(diǎn),秋澆后,耕層作物生長(zhǎng)安全區(qū)面積增幅下降502個(gè)百分點(diǎn),深層變化不顯著。不同距離緩沖區(qū)對(duì)平均土壤含鹽量的解釋能力較強(qiáng),長(zhǎng)期改造區(qū)和短期改造區(qū)受渠道影響半徑分別為15km和07km,長(zhǎng)期改造區(qū)緩沖區(qū)內(nèi)平均土壤含鹽量下降速率高于短期改造區(qū),均一化程度較高。綜上所述,節(jié)水改造工程實(shí)施后,土壤鹽漬化程度減輕,作物生長(zhǎng)安全區(qū)面積增加,表聚作用弱化,秋澆水量減少,土壤鹽分淋洗效果減弱,土壤環(huán)境有所改善。


    After the transformation of water saving, the soil salinity of Shenwu Irrigation Area was redistributed due to the change of groundwater level. Based on regional soil information fixed point monitoring, the classical statistics, spatial interpolation, buffer analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis methods were used to study the spatial variability, temporal and spatial distribution of soil salinity and the difference of soil salinity change in regions for a fixed number of different transformation years. The results showed that after water saving transformation, the average salt content of the whole soil was decreased by 730% before autumn irrigation, the amount of water poured in autumn irrigation was decreased, and the leaching effect of soil salinity was decreased by 926% after autumn irrigation. In the space domain, the high value of soil salinity (great than 6g/kg) was located in the northeast and southern regions with shallow groundwater depth, and the low value of soil salinity (less than 2g/kg) was located in the southwest and eastern sand areas. After water saving transformation, the average increase amplitude of soil salt global Morans I(xiàn) index before autumn irrigation was 5%, the spatial correlation was enhanced. The water volume of autumn irrigation water quantity was decreased, and the global Morans I(xiàn) index was changed, but it was not significant, and the influence of autumn irrigation on soil salinity spatial autocorrelation was weakened. According to the analysis of LISA cluster map, it was revealed that the high-high spatial pattern in the south before autumn irrigation was changed to nonsignificant and high-low cluster area, and the cluster characteristics in the south after autumn irrigation were still very significant, there was salinization risk zone, and it was still the key area of salinization prevention and control after transformation. For moderately saltresistant crop, the proportion of crop growth safety zone and deep nonsaline soil area in Shenwu Irrigation Area was 4966% and 7157%, respectively, after transformation, the area of crop growth safety zone and deep nonsaline soil was increased by 482 percentage points and 185 percentage points, respectively, before autumn irrigation, and decreased by 502 percentage points after autumn irrigation, but the change in deep layer was not significant. The explanatory capability of the average soil salt content in different distance buffer was strong. The affecting radius of the longterm and shortterm transformation regions was 15km and 07km, respectively. The falling rate of average soil salinity content in the buffer of the longterm transformation region was higher than that in the shortterm transformation region, and the degree of homogenization was higher. In summary, since project of watersaving transformation, the degree of soil salinization was reduced, the area of crop growth safety zone was increased, the surface accumulation was weakened, the amount of autumn watering was reduced, the influence of autumn irrigation on soil salt spatial autocorrelation was weakened, and the soil environment was improved. It was suggested that subsurface pipe drainage and chemical improvement agent should be used in the risk area of local salinization.


史海濱,吳迪,閆建文,李仙岳,朱科,遲碧璇.鹽漬化灌區(qū)節(jié)水改造后土壤鹽分時(shí)空變化規(guī)律研究[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2020,51(2):318-331. SHI Haibin, WU Di, YAN Jianwen, LI XianyueZ, HU Ke, CHI Bixuan. Spatialtemporal Variation of Soil Salinity after Water Saving Transformation in Salinized Irrigation District[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(2):318-331.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-05-11
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  • 在線(xiàn)發(fā)布日期: 2020-02-10
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