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    為實(shí)現(xiàn)復(fù)雜背景下農(nóng)作物幾何特征量的實(shí)時(shí)測量,設(shè)計(jì)了交互式軟件系統(tǒng)和便攜式硬件結(jié)構(gòu)。軟件基于Matlab圖像處理技術(shù)和多個(gè)作物幾何特征量的計(jì)算模型,提出了動態(tài)交互式顏色特征提取方法和逐點(diǎn)顏色分量差值篩選法,實(shí)現(xiàn)了目標(biāo)作物與背景的有效分離。研究了非旋轉(zhuǎn)體作物體積與投影面積的關(guān)系,提出了測量這類作物的體積等特征量的新思路;建立了單位像素實(shí)際值與物距的對應(yīng)關(guān)系,避免了需要在背景中設(shè)置參照從而計(jì)算單位像素代表作物幾何特征量的實(shí)際值。軟件滲透了人機(jī)交互和分類設(shè)計(jì)的思想,具有較好的交互性、通用性和擴(kuò)展性。硬件采用高配的PC機(jī)核心部件、快速響應(yīng)的工業(yè)觸摸屏、自動定焦對焦工業(yè)相機(jī)和可控的相機(jī)支架、大容量鋰電池。結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊 (29.8 cm×19.9 cm×6 cm)、操作簡便、便于手持式和分體式測量。系統(tǒng)經(jīng)過精度測量和實(shí)時(shí)測試,能完成多種作物的幾何特征量測量,一般測量誤差4%~8%,自動處理時(shí)間平均1.63 s(建好顏色特征庫時(shí)),裝置有較好的處理速度,有一定的實(shí)用價(jià)值。


    In order to measure the crop geometrical feature real-timely in the complex background, interactive software system and hardware system were designed. Based on the Matlab image process technology, crops geometrical feature calculation models and the idea of human-computer interaction and classification calculation, the software system were designed. The whole measuring process was divided into four steps, which were image acquisition, RGB color feature acquisition, crops region separation from the background and crops geometrical feature calculation. A human-computer interactive software interface was designed, which consisted of menu bar, operation button, image display window and measurement value display window, and it could control each measuring step. RGB color eigenvalues of different crops were obtained by using discrete sample point interactive selection method and region interactive selection method, then the crops region was separated from background efficiently by using screening method based on RGB color eigenvalue difference of each pixel. The software system built classified color database for some kinds of crops according to the environmental condition and crops feature, so pertinence and efficiency for extracting crops region were improved, and real-time measurement was realized. Image was rectified to enhance measurement precision. Corresponding relationships between the actual sizes represented by unit pixel and different object distances were determined previously in order to calculate the actual crops geometrical feature values in real time, so it was not needed to set reference object to calculate the actual size represented by unit pixel when the system was used. The software system built calculation models for several crops geometrical features, including volume, area, and length calculation models of revolving and non-revolving body. The crops volume and projective area regressive model was explored, which provided a new idea for calculating the volume of the crops with non-revolving feature. The objectives of classification design were to expand the measuring types of crops, make the calculation process convenient and enhance the calculation speed of the system. The hardware system consisted of high-performance PC core component, industrial touch screen with a rapid responding speed, industrial camera which had the function of automatic focusing in a fixed focal length and adjustable support. High-capacity lithium battery supplied power for the hardware system. The whole system was 29.8 cm×19.9 cm×6 cm in size, and it was easy to manipulate the system, thus the system could be used as a portable device. For the purpose of installing the device on machine, the adjustable camera support was designed, which was made up of electric dividing plate, stepper motor and S7-200 PLC, and industrial camera shooting direction could be controlled by PLC. The measuring accuracy and real-time feature of system were verified, and the result showed that the measuring error was 4%~8%,and the average processing time was 1.63 s (without the time to construct the color feature database). The system could accomplish the measurement of crops geometrical feature with relatively high speed and calculating accuracy in real time. The system could be used in the field of crops geometrical feature measurement.


孫誠達(dá),邱威,丁為民,顧家冰,趙三琴.農(nóng)作物幾何特征量測量系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)與試驗(yàn)[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2015,46(12):1-10,17. Sun Chengda, Qiu Wei, Ding Weimin, Gu Jiabing, Zhao Sanqin. Design and Experiment for Crops Geometrical Feature Measuring System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(12):1-10,17.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-08-28
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2015-12-10
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