






Assessment of Influence of Off-design Conditions on Uniformity of Sprinkler Irrigation of Center-pivot Irrigation System

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    通過田間試驗,評估了中心支軸式噴灌機非設計工況運行(行進速度和首部壓力等)和配置(低壓噴頭、壓力調節(jié)器和末端噴槍等)對噴灌機田間噴灌均勻性的影響。結果表明:設計工況下,赫爾曼-海恩均勻系數 C UH 和均勻分布系數 DU 均隨行進速度提高而減小,當百分率計數器由30%提高到100%,采用低壓噴頭D3000時的 C UH 減小12.91%, DU 減小6.35%;采用低壓噴頭R3000時的 C UH 減小10.50%, DU 減小2.39%;首部壓力大于設計入機壓力0.16 MPa時,入口壓力遞增, C UH 和D U 基本保持不變;首部壓力為0.08 MPa,采用D3000時, C UH 減小14.04%, DU 減小15.09%;采用R3000時, C UH 減小13.37%, DU 減小15.61%;末端噴槍全程開啟,采用D3000時的 C UH 降低10.27%, DU 減小14.13%;采用R3000時的 C UH 降低20.78%, DU 降低23.15%;不配置壓力調節(jié)器且平地條件下,在首部入機壓力為0.12、0.16、0.20 MPa時, 采用低壓噴頭D3000時的 C UH 分別減小1.23%、1.82%和6.51%, DU 減小29.61%、14.87%和12.52%;采用R3000時的 C UH 分別減小9.26%、15.00%、17.19%, DU 減小40.05%、32.45%和29.76%;這是由中心支軸噴灌機作業(yè)實際工況與設計工況不符引起的。


    Irrigation system with center-pivot sprinkling system is considered as a system with the highest degree of automation so far. The uniformity in field is one of the important indicators to characterize performance of the center-pivot irrigation system. The off-design working condition was a common phenomenon in actual operation management. Taking Herman-Hein uniformity coefficient ( C UH ) and distribution uniformity coefficient ( D U ) as the evaluation indicators, the influence of off-design working conditions and configuration on uniformity was analyzed by field test. The results showed that C UH was reduced by 12.91%, D U was reduced by 6.35% with low pressure sprinkler D3000, and C UH was reduced by 10.50%, D U was reduced by 2.39% with low pressure sprinkler R3000 when moving speed was changed from 30% to 100%. When the inlet pressure of the center-pivot irrigation system was reduced from designed value of 0.16 MPa to 0.08 MPa, C UH was reduced by 14.04%, D U was reduced by 15.09% with D3000, and C UH was reduced by 13.37%, D U was reduced by 15.61% with R3000. When the end water spray gun was open, C UH was 〖JP〗reduced by 10.27%, D U was reduced by 14.13% with D3000, and C UH was reduced by 20.78%, D U was reduced by 23.15% with R3000. Without pressure regulator under the condition of flat ground, when inlet pressures were 0.12, 0.16, 0.20 MPa , C UH values of the center-pivot irrigation system with D3000 were reduced by 1.23%, 1.82% and 6.51%, D U values were reduced by 29.61%, 14.87% and 12.52%, and C UH values were reduced by 9.26%, 15.00% and 17.19%, D U values were reduced by 40.05%, 32.45% and 29.76% with R3000, respectively.


李連豪,李光永,喬曉東,金立強.中心支軸式噴灌機非設計工況對均勻性的影響評估[J].農業(yè)機械學報,2015,46(12):62-66116. Li Lianhao, Li Guangyong, Qiao Xiaodong, Jin Liqiang. Assessment of Influence of Off-design Conditions on Uniformity of Sprinkler Irrigation of Center-pivot Irrigation System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(12):62-66116.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-07-20
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2015-12-10
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