






Fine Root Distribution Characteristics of Plant Community in Different Vegetation Zones in Hill-gully Region of Loess Plateau

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    以黃土丘陵溝壑區(qū)延河流域3個植被帶(森林帶、森林草原帶、草原帶)不同植物群落的細(xì)根(直徑 d ≤ 2 mm)為 研究對象,對植物群落0~20 cm土層細(xì)根根長密度、根系生物量、比根長進(jìn)行了研究。結(jié)果表明,3個植被帶不同植物群落直徑 d ≤1 mm的根系根長密度占總細(xì)根的90%以上,根系生物量占53%以上。有較大比例的直徑 d ≤1 mm的根系不僅在植物的生長活動中貢獻(xiàn)很大,且在改善土壤結(jié)構(gòu)方面發(fā)揮重要作用;植物群落細(xì)根 d ≤ 2 mm生 物量從南部森林帶到北部草原帶呈遞減趨勢,比根長從南部森林帶到北部草原帶呈遞增趨勢,草原帶的根長密度顯著低于其他植被帶( P <0.05)。根長密度與根系生物量變化趨勢一致,喬、灌群落高于草本群落,但比根長表現(xiàn)為草本群落顯著高于喬、灌群落( P <0.05);喬、灌群落和以達(dá)烏里胡枝子為次優(yōu)種或優(yōu)勢種的群落根長密度和根系生物量較高,植物根系生長能力強,根系發(fā)達(dá)。以狼牙刺、杠柳、白羊草為優(yōu)勢種的群落比根長較高,具有較高的水分、養(yǎng)分潛在吸收率和生長速率;以狼牙刺、杠柳、鐵桿蒿、白羊草為優(yōu)勢種的群落,根系參數(shù)(根長密度、根系生物量、比根長)在森林草原帶顯著高于其他植被帶( P <0.05),這些群落在此環(huán)境下,更能有效吸收土壤水分、養(yǎng)分,在提高土壤抗侵蝕能力方面發(fā)揮著重要作用。


    The objective of this study was to clarify the characteristics of fine roots (diameter d ≤2 mm) parameters (root biomass, root length density and specific root length) in 0~20 cm soil layer under different plant communities in forest zone, forest steppe zone and steppe zone of the Yan river basin in hill-gully region of Loess Plateau. Soil drill method was used to collect root samples. Vernier caliper was used to measure root diameter in two grades of 0~1 mm and 1~2 mm. Root length of two diameter grades was measured, then root samples were dried to constant weight at 85℃ and weighed. The main results were as follows: (1) In the three vegetation zones, the proportion of root length density ( d ≤ 1 mm) and root biomass of different communities accounted for 90% and 53% of the total fine root, respectively. The root ( d ≤1 mm), which accounted for a large proportion of the total fine root, not only contributed greatly for the plant growth, but also played an important role in improving soil structure. (2) Root biomass ( d ≤2 mm) of different plant communities showed a decreasing trend from southern forest zone to northern steppe zone, while specific root length showed a increasing trend from southern forest zone to northern steppe zone, root length density in steppe zone was significantly lower than those in other two vegetation zones ( P < 0.05). The variation tendency of root length density and root biomass was the same, and root length density and root biomass of tree community and shrub community were higher than those of herb community. But specific root length of herb community was significantly higher than those of tree community and shrub community ( P <0.05). (3) Root length density and root biomass of tree community, shrub community and Lespedeza davurica dominated community were higher than those of other communities, the root growth of these communities was vigorous, and root system of these communities developed well. The specific root lengths of Sophora viciifolia , Periploca sepium and Bothriochloa ischaemun respectively dominated communities were higher than those of other communities, thus these communities had stronger potential ability to absorb soil moisture and nutrients, and higher growth rate. (4) The root parameters of Sophora viciifolia, Periploca sepium, Artemisia gmelinii and Bothriochloa ischaemun respectively dominated communities, which distributed in forest steppe zone, were significantly bigger than those of other communities distributed in the other two vegetation zones ( P < 0.05). It indicated that these communities could absorb soil moisture and nutrients more efficiently and play an important role in increasing soil anti-erodibility in forest steppe zone.


寇萌,焦菊英,王巧利,尹秋龍.黃土丘陵溝壑區(qū)不同植被帶植物群落的細(xì)根分布特征[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2016,47(2):161-171. Kou Meng, Jiao Juying, Wang Qiaoli, Yin Qiulong. Fine Root Distribution Characteristics of Plant Community in Different Vegetation Zones in Hill-gully Region of Loess Plateau[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2016,47(2):161-171.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-07-28
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2016-02-25
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