






Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Growth and Water—Radiation Use of Arabica Coffee under Different Shading

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    為探明小??Х冗m宜的水光管理模式,通過盆栽試驗(yàn)研究了3個(gè)虧缺灌溉水平:輕度虧缺灌水(DIL,(65%~75%)FC,F(xiàn)C為田間持水量)、中度虧缺灌水(DIM,(55%~65%)FC)和重度虧缺灌水(DIS,(45%~55%)FC),3個(gè)遮陰水平:不遮陰(S0,自然光照)、輕度遮陰(SL,50%自然光照)和重度遮陰(SS,30%自然光照)對小粒咖啡日均光合特性、生長及水光利用效率的影響,并建立了不同虧缺灌溉和遮陰水平下水分和光能利用的回歸模型。結(jié)果表明:與DIL處理相比,DIS處理降低小??Х热~片凈光合速率、氣孔導(dǎo)度和光能利用效率分別為 17.61%、22.99%和27.43%,減少總干物質(zhì)積累量 6.29%;而DIM處理對其影響不明顯。S0處理的小??Х热~片光能利用效率最小,SL處理次之,SS處理最大。S0處理或SS處理抑制葉片凈光合速率和水分利用效率,SL處理增加干物質(zhì)積累量11.14%。與DILS0處理相比,虧缺灌溉時(shí)遮陰顯著降低葉片蒸騰速率而增加葉片光能利用效率。葉片光能利用效率與光合有效輻射呈顯著的指數(shù)關(guān)系。隨著虧水和遮陰程度的增加,灌溉水利用效率先增后減。小??Х茸顑?yōu)的水光耦合模式為輕度遮陰下輕度虧缺灌溉組合(DILSL),該組合能同時(shí)獲得較高的干物質(zhì)累積和水分利用效率。


    Arabica coffee has the habit of shading cultivation and its growth often is inhibited by soil drought stress. Shade changes micro-climate of coffee growth and further affects photosynthetic characteristics and water consumption. The object was to explore suitable management mode of water and light, using three levels of deficit irrigation, i. e., light deficit irrigation (DIL, (65%~75%) field capacity), medium deficit irrigation (DIM, (55%~65%) field capacity) and severe deficit irrigation (DIS, (45%~55%) field capacity), respectively, and three levels of shade,i.e., no shade (S0, natural light), light shade (SL, 50% natural light) and severe shade (SS, 30% natural light). The effect of deficit irrigation and shading levels on daily mean photosynthetic characteristics, growth and water—radiation use efficiency of arabica coffee was studied by pot experiments, and regression model was established under different deficit irrigation and shade levels. The results showed that compared with DIL, DIS reduced coffee leaf net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and radiation use efficiency by 17.61%, 22.99% and 27.43%, respectively, and reduced the total dry mass by 6.29%, but DIM had no significant effects on leaf net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, radiation use efficiency and total dry mass. Leaf radiation use efficiency of S0 was the lowest, SL was the second and SS was the highest. S0 or SS inhibited net leaf photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency, and SL increased dry mass by 11.14%. Compared with DILS0, shading under deficit irrigation reduced leaf transpiration rate but increased light use efficiency significantly. Leaf radiation use efficiency showed a significant exponential relation with photosynthetically active radiation. Irrigation water use efficiency was increased first and then decreased with the increase of water deficit level and shading degree. On the basis of high dry mass accumulation and water use efficiency, the suitable mode of water and light management of arabica coffee was the combination of light deficit irrigation and light shade (DILSL). The study results can provide scientific basis for irrigation and shade management of arabica coffee. In addition, this experiment was only focused on coffee growth, dry matter and water—radiation use, and yield, quality and flavor were not involved. Further systematic discussion of arabica coffee was needed under different irrigation and shade conditions.


劉小剛,萬夢丹,齊韻濤,楊啟良,劉艷偉.不同遮陰下虧缺灌溉對小粒咖啡生長和水光利用的影響[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2017,48(1):191-197,190. LIU Xiaogang, WAN Mengdan, QI Yuntao, YANG Qiliang, LIU Yanwei. Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Growth and Water—Radiation Use of Arabica Coffee under Different Shading[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2017,48(1):191-197,190.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-09-24
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2017-01-10
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