






Algorithm of Works’ Decision for Three Arms Robot in Greenhouse Based on Control with Motion Sensing Technology

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    針對目前棚室內(nèi)機(jī)器人作業(yè)分析算法智能性不足、準(zhǔn)確作業(yè)率較低,且一次巡航過程只能進(jìn)行單一作業(yè),存在使用效率不高的問題,提出了一種搭載在三臂棚室機(jī)器人上,基于體感操控作業(yè)的決策規(guī)劃算法,用Kinect采集含操作人員位姿信息的深度圖像,結(jié)合隨機(jī)森林統(tǒng)計學(xué)習(xí)理論和基于高斯核函數(shù)的Mean shift算法,確定了代表人體位姿的20個關(guān)鍵骨骼點坐標(biāo),在此基礎(chǔ)上提出了一種基于模式切換的三臂映射關(guān)系,將骨骼點信息映射到機(jī)器人工作空間,使人的兩只手臂能自如的控制三臂機(jī)器人,在一次巡航中完成多種棚室作業(yè);此外,還提出了一種結(jié)合骨骼追蹤技術(shù)和YCbCr顏色空間的手勢特征分割方法,實現(xiàn)了用手勢控制機(jī)器人末端執(zhí)行器作業(yè)。最后,搭建了用于測試體感決策算法的三臂機(jī)器人樣機(jī),進(jìn)行了針對該決策算法的精確性試驗,根據(jù)試驗誤差數(shù)據(jù)對肩部關(guān)節(jié)夾角采用離散化取值識別,解決了肩部關(guān)節(jié)識別誤差,結(jié)果表明:測試者被捕捉到的關(guān)節(jié)處夾角和機(jī)器人對應(yīng)關(guān)節(jié)夾角的最大映射誤差為1.90°,上位機(jī)發(fā)送夾角值與機(jī)器人實際轉(zhuǎn)動的夾角值最大誤差為0.80°,在誤差允許范圍內(nèi),同時在該精度下完成一套采摘加噴施作業(yè)指令,平均耗時13.34s,且操作者還可通過體感操控訓(xùn)練進(jìn)一步提高機(jī)器人作業(yè)性能,表明該算法具有準(zhǔn)確性和實用性。


    There are many problems in the current greenhouse and plant factory. It’s an effective solution to work by robots. However, because of the limit of the intelligent algorithm at present, the robot’s works are imprecise.And they can just complete single job in once cruise which cause the inefficient using. Aiming at the problem, an algorithm which based on the motion sensing of Kinect and used in three arms robot was proposed, by using the Kinect to collect the depth image, including the operating personnel and combining the Random forests of statistical learning theory with the mean shift algorithm based on the Gauss kernel function which acquired 20 skeletal joints that can standard the human motion. On this basis, a mapping relation was put forward in innovation of three arms based on the mode switching to achieve that the two arms of the man can freely control three arms of the robot and perform several works in greenhouse. In addition, a way of gesture features segmentation was proposed which based on skeletal tracking technology in Kinect and YCbCr color space, realizing the aim that using the action of the palm to control the robot’s end effectors. Finally, a prototype of three arms robot was built to test the decision algorithm of motion sensing and its accuracy. A discrete value was taken for the angle in shoulder joint to recognize the error data in experiment, so eliminated errors in the shoulder joints. The results showed that the maximum mapping error of joint angle was 1.90° between human and robot. The maximum error of the host computer sending angle and the real angle by robot was 0.80°, which was within the margin of error. Meanwhile, the average time of completing an order of picking and spraying was 13.34s, the picking time was 6.36s and the spraying time was 6.98s. And the performance of the robot can be boosted by training the manipulator. It was indicated that this algorithm had a great practicability and can work accurately.


權(quán)龍哲,李成林,馮正陽,劉佳偉.體感操控多臂棚室機(jī)器人作業(yè)決策規(guī)劃算法研究[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2017,48(3):14-23. QUAN Longzhe, LI Chenglin, FENG Zhengyang, LIU Jiawei. Algorithm of Works’ Decision for Three Arms Robot in Greenhouse Based on Control with Motion Sensing Technology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2017,48(3):14-23.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-07-15
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2017-03-10
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