






Extraction of Winter Wheat Information Based on Time-series NDVI in Guanzhong Area

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    快速而準(zhǔn)確地獲取和掌握冬小麥在我國西北干旱半干旱地區(qū)的種植信息對該區(qū)域糧食生產(chǎn)安全及其可持續(xù)發(fā)展具有重要意義。以陜西省關(guān)中地區(qū)為研究區(qū)域,采用迭代濾波技術(shù)重建MODIS NDVI時序序列,結(jié)合當(dāng)?shù)氐湫偷匚锏腘DVI曲線特征和二次差分技術(shù),建立冬小麥像元的識別規(guī)則,提取了該地區(qū)2014年冬小麥種植信息。結(jié)果顯示2014年關(guān)中地區(qū)冬小麥集中分布于渭河兩岸的河谷地區(qū)以及涇河以東的渭北平原,北部黃土臺塬則呈星狀散布。總體種植面積8.882×105hm2,與統(tǒng)計資料相比,各地市遙感提取結(jié)果的相對誤差絕對值在1.08%~9.02%之間,總體誤差為3.70%。抽樣驗(yàn)證結(jié)果顯示分類精度為90.28%。該研究為關(guān)中地區(qū)制訂種植計劃和相關(guān)政策等提供了客觀的數(shù)據(jù)參考,同時也為西北地區(qū)的農(nóng)作物種植監(jiān)測提供了技術(shù)支持。


    Crop growth information is closely related to crop yield prediction and food security. Accurately investigating and monitoring crop growth information provides invaluable information for agricultural management, planning and decisionmaking, and further ensures sustainable development of agriculture. Guanzhong area is a main food production region of Northwest China, however, the varied topography, including loess hilly-gully region, Weihe plain and Qinling mountain, makes crop information extraction challenged and complicated. In order to obtain winter wheat planting information of Guanzhong area in 2014, thirty phases of MODIS NDVI image from September 2013 to December 2014 were used, the images were reconstructed by iterativeing Savitzky-Golay filter in time sequence, and the characteristics of NDVI profiles of the typical objects selected from filtered images were analyzed. And then the noncropland was masked based on the characteristics analyzed above. On account of the special NDVI profile of winter wheat, the twi-difference algorithm was applied to the selection of 17 phases’ image during period of November 2013 and July 2014, and the NDVI peaks were identified. From the local crop calendar and the characteristics of typical NDVI profiles, it was found that except winter wheat and rapeseeds, the rest of the crops did not show NDVI peaks during the selected period. Interestingly, winter wheat had two peaks in its growing season. The first one was appeared before the coming winter because of the snow or frost, and the second one was the normal growing peak. Rapeseeds had a single peak which was lower than that of winter wheat. Thus, the winter wheat of Guanzhong area was identified at the pixel level by combining the pixels which had double peaks and single peak with NDVI value under 0.65. For verifying the accuracy of extraction, the winter wheat growth area was measured at four typical plots of 1km×1km, which were used to compare with the remote sensing results. Besides, totally 100 winter wheat NDVI profiles were sampled to compare with the artificial interpretation at the pixel level. The results showed that the winter wheat was mainly distributed at two regions in Guanzhong area. One was located in the river valley of middle reaches of Weihe river, and the other one was located in the wide Weibei plain of the east side of Jinghe river. Meanwhile, the winter wheat presented a scattered pattern at the loess hilly-gully area in the north, and did not appear at the mountainous area in the south. The total area of winter wheat in Guanzhong area in 2014 was 8.882 × 105hm2, and its areas in Xi’an, Tongchuan, Xianyang, Baoji and Weinan were 1.958×105hm2, 2.296×105hm2, 1.704×105hm2, 2.222×105hm2 and 2.769×105hm2, respectively. Compared with the statistics of government, the total relative error of Guanzhong area was 3.70%, with variation of 1.08%~9.02% at the city level. The maximum relative error was 9.02% which was occurred at Baoji. The accuracies of four plots of Changwu, Yintai, Fufeng and Yangling were 17.3%, 15.1%, 5.6% and 7.7%, respectively. Besides, the accuracy of sampled 100 NDVI profiles at the pixel level reached 90.28%. The results indicated that exacting the crop information using NDVI time-series at a topography complicated region was feasible and it can be applied to the other regions of Northwest China for making plan of crop planting, agricultural resource allocation and monitoring crop growing.


申健,常慶瑞,李粉玲,王力.基于時序NDVI的關(guān)中地區(qū)冬小麥種植信息遙感提取[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2017,48(3):215-220,260. SHEN Jian, CHANG Qingrui, LI Fenling, WANG Li. Extraction of Winter Wheat Information Based on Time-series NDVI in Guanzhong Area[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2017,48(3):215-220,260.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-12-28
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2017-03-10
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