






Design and Experiment on Passive Drum-type No-till Planter Cavitation Mechanism

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    針對傳統(tǒng)免耕播種機在作業(yè)時需對秸稈及殘茬進行剪切或移除,從而存在對切割部件性能要求高、功耗大、揚塵以及秸稈纏繞堵塞等問題,研究一種滾筒穴式免耕播種成穴機構(gòu),實現(xiàn)在不對地表覆蓋物進行任何專門處理的情況下穿透成穴。核心機構(gòu)由鴨嘴滾輪排種裝置和由其鴨嘴驅(qū)動的被動式滾筒組成,二者處于內(nèi)相切關(guān)系。轉(zhuǎn)動的滾筒將秸稈碾壓成一薄層,鴨嘴從滾筒內(nèi)伸出并穿透這一秸稈薄層后進行成穴并投放種子?;谶\動學分析,建立鴨嘴驅(qū)動角φ、鴨嘴助力角α、鴨嘴滾輪排種裝置的角速度ω0、滾筒角速度ω1之間的數(shù)學模型。對于100mm整數(shù)倍株距的播種情況,運用Matlab(Matrix laboratory)圖像處理模塊對方程進行分析,以結(jié)構(gòu)及工作要求為約束條件,以滾筒轉(zhuǎn)速波動平緩為主要衡量指標,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊為輔助衡量指標,優(yōu)化得出鴨嘴滾輪排種裝置半徑為200mm,滾筒半徑為400mm,鴨嘴助力角α為23°,初始驅(qū)動角φ為31°,進一步的幾何分析計算得出滾筒上設(shè)置的驅(qū)動孔個數(shù)為23個,尺寸為84mm×32mm。運用CATIA進行數(shù)字樣機運動仿真,分析滾筒在鴨嘴驅(qū)動下實際情況和角速度的變化規(guī)律,驗證了理論分析。樣機試驗表明被動滾筒式免耕播種成穴機構(gòu)滿足設(shè)計要求,工作過程簡單可靠,為免耕播種提供了一種有效的技術(shù)手段。


    For the traditional no-tillage planter, the straw and stubble could be cut or removed in the operation, so there was still high quality of performance requirements for cutting components, large power consumption, dust pollution and twining of straw and other issues. A kind of hill-mechanisms of no-tillage seeding was studied, which could penetrate the obstacles and then the hole was formed without any special treatment to the covering of surface. The key mechanism consisted of a duckbill type of roller seeding device and a passive roller driven by its own duckbill, both of which were in internal tangential relationship. The straw was rolled into a thin layer by the rotating drum, and then the duckbill reached and passed through the thin layer of straw to form a hole and accomplish seeding. Based on the kinematics analysis, the mathematical model among the drive angle (φ) of the duckbill, the power angle (α) of the duckbill, the angular velocity (ω0) of duckbill type of roller seeding device and the angular velocity (ω1) of the drum was established. According to the seeding condition that the spacing must be integral multiple of 100mm, the Matlab (matrix laboratory) image processing module was used to analyze the equation of the models, and the structure and work requirements were chosen as the constraints, the speed fluctuation of rotating drum was selected as the main measure index and the compact condition of structure as the auxiliary measure index, thus optimized to obtain the optimal combination of the parameters: the radius of the duckbill wheel seeding device was 200mm, the radius of the rotating roller was 400mm, the power angle of the duckbill (α) was 23°, and the initial driving angle (φ) was 31°, then the number of driving holes of the rotating drum was calculated as 23, the size of which was 84mm×32mm by the method of further geometric analysis. Using CATIA to do digital prototype motion simulation, the practical situation and the change rule of angular velocity when the rotating drum under the action of the duckbill were analyzed, therefore the theoretical analysis was verified. The prototype test showed that the passive roller type of no-till planter hill-mechanism could meet the design requirements, it was simple and reliable in working process and it was also an effective technical choice for no-tillage seeding.


劉宏新,聞浩楠,改廣偉,唐師法.被動滾筒式免耕播種成穴機構(gòu)設(shè)計與試驗[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學報,2017,48(9):53-61. LIU Hongxin, WEN Haonan, GAI Guangwei, TANG Shifa. Design and Experiment on Passive Drum-type No-till Planter Cavitation Mechanism[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2017,48(9):53-61.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-12-12
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2017-09-10
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