






Design and Experiment on Straw Post-covering Wheat Planter

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    針對華北平原麥-玉兩熟區(qū),小麥在玉米秸稈覆蓋地撒播易出現(xiàn)秸稈堵塞、麥種架空、晾籽等問題,利用正轉(zhuǎn)旋耕拋土模型以形成土壤、秸稈順序覆蓋,設(shè)計了一種秸稈后覆蓋小麥播種機,可一次完成旋耕、均勻撒播、覆土、覆蓋秸稈、鎮(zhèn)壓等作業(yè)。旋耕刀采用對稱螺旋線排列;通過拋土運動分析確定了被拋物料運動的最大高度為0.52m,水平方向最大位移為0.79m,并確定了導(dǎo)土板的位置參數(shù);通過性能試驗優(yōu)選分種裝置與水平方向夾角為35°,分種板間的距離為50mm。在河北涿州試驗站進行了整機田間試驗,結(jié)果表明:正轉(zhuǎn)旋耕裝置能有效拋土、拋秸稈,避免秸稈、根茬堵塞分種裝置,耕深穩(wěn)定在148~152mm內(nèi),耕深穩(wěn)定性系數(shù)為95.5%,多功能行走輪滑移率約為5.3%,機具通過性能符合國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(GB/T 20865—2007)要求;機具作業(yè)后秸稈覆蓋量平均為1.07kg/m2,達到作業(yè)前秸稈覆蓋量的80%;播深穩(wěn)定在30~35mm內(nèi),播深合格率為91.1%,不同位置幅寬內(nèi)10cm×25cm矩形框內(nèi)麥種數(shù)量穩(wěn)定在29~30粒,符合農(nóng)藝要求。


    In the wheat-maize rotation area of North China Plain, it is widely recognized that there are some problems in the wheat broadcast sowing under the condition of the maize straw mulching, such as straw blockage and wheat seeds planted on the maize straw. In order to solve these problems, taking advantage of the soil-thrown model of down-cut rotation tillage to form soil and straw sequential cover, a straw post-covering wheat planter was designed, which could implement the following function at one time: rotary tillage, uniform-broadcast sowing, anti-blocking, covering soil and straw and compacting. The planter included the following nine parts: suspension frame, gearbox, rotary tillage device, soil-oriented plate, seed-dividing device, soil-straw separation device, multifunctional ground wheel, frame, seeding device, and so on. The layout of rotary blades was symmetrical helix arrangement, and the maximum height of the thrown granule was calculated as 0.52m, the maximum displace in the horizontal direction was 0.79m, and the position parameters of the soil-oriented plate were determined. By means of the performance test, it was preferable that the distance between the seeding-dividing device and the horizontal direction was 35° and the distance between the seed-dividing plates was 50mm. The planter field experiment was conducted in Zhuozhou Experimental Station of Hebei Province, China. And the results indicated that the down-cut rotary tiller could effectively throw the soil and straw and avoid maize straw blockage. The depth of tillage was around 148~152mm, the stability coefficient of tillage depth was 95.5%, slip rate of multi-function walking wheel was about 5.3%, the passing ability of the planter was good and the performance can meet national standards;the weights of maize straw was 1.07kg/m2 after sowing, which can reach 80% of straw amount before sowing;the depth of sowing was around 30~35mm, sowing pass rate was 91.1%, the mean number of wheat seeds in the rectangular frame of 10cm×25cm in different positions was around 29~30, which met the agronomic requirements.


牛琪,王慶杰,陳黎卿,李洪文,何進,李問盈.秸稈后覆蓋小麥播種機設(shè)計與試驗[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學(xué)報,2017,48(11):52-59. NIU Qi, WANG Qingjie, CHEN Liqing, LI Hongwen, HE Jin, LI Wenying. Design and Experiment on Straw Post-covering Wheat Planter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2017,48(11):52-59.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-03-28
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2017-11-10
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