






Accuracy Evaluation of Multisatellite Remote Sensing Precipitation Products in Alpine Region and Its Applicability to Runoff Simulation

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    采用地面雨量站觀測的降水量為基準(zhǔn)數(shù)據(jù),以寒區(qū)呼蘭河流域作為典型研究區(qū),評估了TRMM(Tropical rainfall measuring mission)最新一代衛(wèi)星降水量產(chǎn)品 3B42V7、3B42RT以及CHIRPS (Climate hazards group infrared precipitation with station data)、基于地面降水量插值獲得的IDWP降水量數(shù)據(jù)在日、月、季度和空間尺度上的精度。利用站點和衛(wèi)星2種降水量數(shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動SWAT模型,采用 SUFI-2算法計算模型并考慮模型參數(shù)的敏感性,進(jìn)行日流量過程模擬,評估了多衛(wèi)星降水量產(chǎn)品在流域水文模擬和預(yù)報中的應(yīng)用能力。研究結(jié)果表明: 流域日平均尺度上, 3B42V7、3B42RT、CHIRPS分別高估地面降水量5.43%、41.24%、3.37%。3B42V7在流域日、月、季度時間尺度上很接近地面觀測降水量。3B42RT的日降水強(qiáng)度累計概率分布與雨量站較為接近。3B42V7和CHIRPS在率定期和驗證期的日流量模擬效果均較好,NSCE率定期為0.77、0.84;驗證期為0.67、0.56。3B42RT對流量峰值的模擬較差??煽紤]采用 TRMM 3B42V7 和CHIRPS作為基礎(chǔ)降水量資料應(yīng)用于寒區(qū)水資源管理、干旱監(jiān)測和洪水預(yù)報等相關(guān)研究。


    The observed data of surficial precipitation stations were used as benchmark data, the Hulan River Basin of the alpine region was used as typical study area, the precision of the new generation satellite rainfall products TRMM(the tropical rainfall measuring mission) 3B42V7, 3B42RT and CHIRPS (Climate hazards group infrared precipitation with station data), IDWP precipitation data based on IDW(inverse distance weighted)were evaluated in day, month, quarter and spatial scales. The precipitation stations and satellite data were used to drive SWAT model, the SUFI-2 algorithm was used to calculate the model and sensitivity of parameters, simulate the daily flow process, and evaluate the application ability of multi satellite precipitation in watershed hydrological simulation and prediction. The research results showed that in the average watershed scale, the amount of 3B42V7, 3B42RT and CHIP over ground rainfall were 5.43%, 41.24% and 3.37%, 3B42V7 was very close to the ground precipitation in monthly, quarterly time scales. The cumulative probability distribution of daily precipitation intensity of 3B42RT was close to the surficial precipitation. The simulated results of 3B42V7 and CHIP were both very well in the rate of calibrated and validated period of the daily flow simulation results, NSCE was 0.77 and 0.84 in calibrated period, in the verification period it was 0.67 and 0.56, respectively. 3B42RT for the peak simulation of the flow was poor. The change of water quantity of CHIP was close to that of rainfall station, and the groundwater quantity of 3B42RT into the river was smaller than that of others, but the runoff depth and soil water content were larger. TRMM 3B42V7 and CHIRPS can be used as a basic application of precipitation data in cold regions for water resources management, drought monitoring and flood forecast research in ungauged and data-deficiency region. The next step would be to study the correction method of satellite precipitation data for cold region which would provide more reliable data for the future application of satellite precipitation data to carry out related research in the cold region.


徐淑琴,丁星臣,王斌,王蕾.遙感降水量產(chǎn)品寒區(qū)精度評估與徑流模擬適用性研究[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2017,48(11):289-299. XU Shuqin, DING Xingchen, WANG Bin, WANG Lei. Accuracy Evaluation of Multisatellite Remote Sensing Precipitation Products in Alpine Region and Its Applicability to Runoff Simulation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2017,48(11):289-299.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-03-29
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2017-11-10
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