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    土壤速效磷是影響作物生長發(fā)育的重要養(yǎng)分指標(biāo)。光譜分析技術(shù)對速效磷的定量預(yù)測具有較好的應(yīng)用前景,高光譜帶寬窄、分辨率高,但存在數(shù)據(jù)冗余和共線性等問題。本文針對皖北砂姜黑土145個(gè)樣本開展研究,提出了利用偏最小二乘回歸算法(PLS-R)對土壤可見近紅外高光譜數(shù)據(jù)(400~1000nm)進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)降維和特征提取,根據(jù)交叉驗(yàn)證和變量投影重要性分別得到潛在變量和特征波長;再分別輸入BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)(BPNN)進(jìn)行訓(xùn)練,得到回歸分析模型對速效磷進(jìn)行定量預(yù)測。結(jié)果表明:與利用全部波長數(shù)據(jù)建模的預(yù)測結(jié)果(校正集和驗(yàn)證集的相對分析誤差MRPD分別為10.27和2.09)相比,利用9個(gè)特征波長建立的回歸模型校正集MRPD為2.66,預(yù)測精度明顯降低,而驗(yàn)證集MRPD為 2.05,近似達(dá)到利用全部波長數(shù)據(jù)建模的預(yù)測效果;利用5個(gè)潛在變量建立回歸模型,校正集和驗(yàn)證集的MRPD分別為3.10和2.29,其中驗(yàn)證集相對于全部波長建模的預(yù)測精度提高了9.6%。因此,基于PLS-BPNN算法進(jìn)行回歸建??梢杂行Ы档透吖庾V數(shù)據(jù)冗余和共線性的影響,提高模型的泛化能力,且利用潛在變量進(jìn)行回歸建模能提高模型預(yù)測精度。


    Soil available phosphorus (AP) is supposed to be an important nutrient constituent for the growth and development of crops. Hyperspectral analysis has proven to be a rapid and effective means for quantitatively predicting soil AP, which has a good prospect benefit from the narrow bandwidth and the high resolution. However, the existence of multicollinearity and redundant considerably leads to overfitting of the regression model and decrease of the generalization ability. A total of 145 lime concretion black soil samples collected from the Northern Anhui Plain, China, were used as research objects to investigate the prediction performance of the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) based on the partial least square regression (PLS-R) algorithm. The PLS-R was applied to conduct dimensionality reduction and feature selection on the soil visible and near infrared hyperspectral data ranging from 400~1000nm with 339 wavelengths. Five latent variables (LVs) were obtained by the leave one out crossvalidation, and nine optimal wavelengths were selected by the variable importance in projection (VIP) scores. The BPNN regression models were built with the input of the five latent variables (LVs-BPNN), the nine optimal wavelengths (VIPs-BPNN), and the whole wavelengths (Ws-BPNN), respectively. The ratio of performance to deviation (MRPD) and the ratio of the interpretable sum squared deviation to the real sum squared deviation (MSSR/SST) were selected to evaluate the prediction accuracy and explanatory power of different regression models, respectively. As a result, the prediction accuracies of three BPNN models outperformed the PLS-R model significantly;the VIPs-BPNN model achieved similar performance (MRPD was 2.05, MSSR/SST was 0.79) as the Ws-BPNN model (MRPD was 2.09, MSSR/SST was 0.85) of the validation set, while the MRPD was decreased obviously from 10.27 (Ws-BPNN) to 2.66 (VIPs-BPNN) of the calibration set;the LVs-BPNN model gained the highest prediction accuracy as MRPD was 2.29 of the validation set, even though the MSSR/SST was slightly decreased to 0.76. The results illustrated that the PLS-BPNN models could significantly reduce the degree of overfitting and improve the generalization ability;moreover, the LVs-BPNN model could improve the accuracy of predicting soil AP.


齊海軍,李紹穩(wěn),KARNIELI Arnon,金秀,王文才.基于PLS-BPNN算法的土壤速效磷高光譜回歸預(yù)測方法[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2018,49(2):166-172. QI Haijun, LI Shaowen, KARNIELI Arnon, JIN Xiu, WANG Wencai. Prediction Method of Soil Available Phosphorus Using Hyperspectral Data Based on PLS-BPNN[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(2):166-172.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-07-15
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2018-02-10
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