






Design and Experiment of Wheat Pneumatic Centralized Seeding Distributing System

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    針對(duì)現(xiàn)有小麥播種機(jī)械作業(yè)幅寬小、播種不均勻等問(wèn)題,設(shè)計(jì)了一種氣力集排式小麥排種分配系統(tǒng),從播種機(jī)的定量排種系統(tǒng)、分配系統(tǒng)等方面研究了氣力集排式小麥排種分配機(jī)理,分析了排種分配系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定性和均勻性。運(yùn)用Solidworks Flow進(jìn)行流體動(dòng)力學(xué)(Computational fluid dynamics, CFD)仿真,分析排種分配系統(tǒng)機(jī)構(gòu)參數(shù)(輸種管、分種外蓋)對(duì)氣室流場(chǎng)的影響,速度流場(chǎng)分布結(jié)果表明,排種分配系統(tǒng)具備較理想流場(chǎng)特性的結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)為:褶皺管波紋長(zhǎng)度為16mm,波紋角度為90°,分種外蓋圓錐角為120°。對(duì)排種分配系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)定性和均勻性進(jìn)行臺(tái)架試驗(yàn),結(jié)果表明,排種器轉(zhuǎn)速在20~40r/min時(shí),總排量穩(wěn)定性變異系數(shù)為1.01%~1.19%,各行排量一致性變異系數(shù)為3.20%,種子破碎率為0.23%,試驗(yàn)結(jié)果與CFD仿真分析基本一致;樣機(jī)試驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,總排量穩(wěn)定性變異系數(shù)為1.06%,各行排量一致性變異系數(shù)為3.34%,排種均勻性變異系數(shù)為27.35%,種子破碎率為0.28%,滿足相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。


    Aimed at the problem of low breadth and uneven wheat sowing machine, a kind of wheat pneumatic centralized sowing system was designed. The sowing mechanism and distribution mechanism were studied from the aspects of concentrated quantitative seeding system and airflow first-order distribution system. The stability of the centralized quantitative seeding system and the uniformity of the seed distribution system were analyzed. Concentrated quantitative seeding system discharged a certain amount of seeds, and the seeds fell into the conveying tube in gravity. Airflow first-order distribution system converted the seeds into a uniform seed stream and transported to the seeding tube, which achieved uniform seeding requirements. According to the principle of distributor, the diameter of the conveying tube was 50mm. By the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software Solidworks Flow, the influence of structural parameters of seed distribution system on vacuum chamber fluid were simulated and analyzed. The structural parameters included the conveying pipe and outer cover. The analysis of speed flow field showed that corrugated length of the fold tube was 16mm, corrugated angle of the fold tube was 90°, and cone angle of outer cover was 120°. The experiments of the uniformity and steadiness was designed and conducted for seeding distribution system. The performance tests were performed with four indices adopted, including variation coefficient of total displacement stability, variation coefficient of each row displacement consistency, seeding rate coefficient of variation of distributor intra-row, and the percentage of damaged seeds in laboratory. The results showed that when rotate speed of sowing device was in the range of 20~40r/min, variation coefficient of total displacement stability was 1.01%~1.19%, variation coefficient of each row displacement consistency was 3.20%, seeding rate coefficient of variation of distributor intra-row was 3.96%, and the percentage of damaged seeds was 0.23%. The test results were consistent with CFD simulation. The field experiment of sowing was also carried out with four indices, including the percentage of damaged seeds, variation coefficient of total displacement stability, variation coefficient of each row displacement consistency, and variation coefficient of seeding uniformity for this device. The results showed that variation coefficient of total displacement stability was 1.06%, variation coefficient of each row displacement consistency was 3.34%, variation coefficient of seeding uniformity was 27.35%, the percentage of damaged seeds was 0.28%, and the seeding emergence rate was 89.63%. These testing results fully coincided with the standard GB/T 9478—2005 Test methods of grain drills. The design and experimentation improved the seeding stability and distribution uniformity of the planter, and the results provided a theoretical reference for the design and analysis of wheat wide precision sowing.


張曉輝,王永振,仉利,彭傳杰,樊桂菊.小麥氣力集排器排種分配系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)與試驗(yàn)[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2018,49(3):59-67. ZHANG Xiaohui, WANG Yongzhen, ZHANG Li, PENG Chuanjie, FAN Guiju. Design and Experiment of Wheat Pneumatic Centralized Seeding Distributing System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(3):59-67.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-12-07
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2018-03-10
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