






Calibration of Discrete Element Model Parameters for Pellet Feed Based on Injected Section Method

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    采用離散元法進(jìn)行顆粒飼料后噴涂、冷卻、輸送、倉儲、飼喂等關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)的工作過程仿真分析時,需要建立顆粒飼料離散元模型并通過測定休止角來標(biāo)定離散元參數(shù),用以測定休止角的傳統(tǒng)裝置與方法,存在樣品用量多、測定繁瑣的情況。本文提出了一種基于注入截面法的休止角測定裝置與方法,通過顆粒堆積體截面的輪廓線直接獲取休止角,從而進(jìn)行休止角的模擬與測定。建立與顆粒飼料形態(tài)相近的離散元模型,借用GEMM(Generic EDEM material model database)數(shù)據(jù)庫獲得離散元模型參數(shù)范圍。以滑動摩擦因數(shù)X1、碰撞恢復(fù)系數(shù)X2和滾動摩擦因數(shù)X3為試驗因素,以顆粒飼料堆積休止角Y1為評價指標(biāo),按照3因素5水平正交旋轉(zhuǎn)組合設(shè)計試驗方法,利用Design-Expert 8.0.6軟件回歸分析法和響應(yīng)面分析法,建立了3個因素以堆積休止角為評價指標(biāo)的數(shù)學(xué)模型。以顆粒飼料休止角真實測得值為目標(biāo),對回歸模型進(jìn)行尋優(yōu),得到優(yōu)化后的標(biāo)定參數(shù)組合:顆粒飼料間滑動摩擦因數(shù)為0.41,碰撞恢復(fù)系數(shù)為0.53,滾動摩擦因數(shù)為0.08。以此優(yōu)化解進(jìn)行仿真試驗,結(jié)果顯示預(yù)測休止角為29.43°±0.70°,誤差為3.1%,休止角仿真和試驗在堆積角度和形態(tài)上相似度較高。結(jié)果表明了基于注入截面法的顆粒飼料離散元建模與休止角測定試驗的有效性和可行性。


    In the process of discrete element numerical calculation, such as post spraying, cooling, transportation, storage, feeding and so on, the establishment of particle model is an important factor to affect the accuracy of simulation. The discrete element parameters were calibrated by measuring the angle of repose. The apparatus and method used for determining the angle of repose existed a few problems, such as more sample consumption and cumbersome measurement. Therefore, calibration work for particle parameters was essential. A new apparatus and method were proposed for actively simulation and determination by the cross-sectional profile of particles’ accumulation. The discrete element model similar to pellet feed was established based on the template plate in the software EDEM and Pro/E. The sliding friction coefficient X1, restitution coefficient X2, and rolling friction coefficient X3 were selected as the influencing factors, and the accumulation angle of repose was selected as evaluating indicators, thus the performance optimization experiments were carried out under the quadratic orthogonal rotation design. Based on the software regression analysis of Design-Expert 8.0.6 and response surface analysis method, the relationship between the three influencing factors and evaluating indicator was established. The measured value of repose angle for pellet feed was selected as the chosen target;by using response surface method, the optimal aggregative index could be obtained under the condition that the sliding friction coefficient among pellet feed was 0.41, restitution coefficient was 0.53, and rolling friction coefficient was 0.08. In the end, the discrete element method combined with the apparatus based on injected section method were verified in the test trail. Under the same condition with simulation, the predicted value for angle of repose was 29.43°±0.70°. Under this scheme, field test result showed that the angle of repose for pellet feed was 28.55°±0.37°. In comparison with simulation value, the error of the angle of repose was 3.1%, which showed that the modeling method of pellet feed and the apparatus based on injected section used for determining the angle of repose were validated and available. The research showed that the optimal parameter combination could be used as reference value when selecting the simulation parameters of pellet feed in the DEM simulation. Meanwhile, the parameters calibration method based on the injected section method was feasible, which could provide references for the numerical determination of other agricultural particulate materials.


彭飛,王紅英,方芳,劉玉德.基于注入截面法的顆粒飼料離散元模型參數(shù)標(biāo)定[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2018,49(4):140-147. PENG Fei, WANG Hongying, FANG Fang, LIU Yude. Calibration of Discrete Element Model Parameters for Pellet Feed Based on Injected Section Method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(4):140-147.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-09-28
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2018-04-10
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