






Design and Numerical Simulation of Volute Axial Outflow Hydraulic Turbine with Low Specific Speed

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    Considering the trend of small hydropower towards low head, and reusing the water surplus head of cooling tower, a new type of turbine with small size, high efficiency and super low specific speed was proposed to be as direct drive for fan in large cooling tower or applied in small hydropower plants for generating electricity, which was designed and validated based on design theory of fluid mechanics and validation method of numerical simulations. Combining binary theory and spiral potential flow to design the flow streamline in volute, the new type volute adopted axial outlet to ensure the turbine radial dimension was about half compared with similar conventional turbines, this kind of structure was a great benefit to decrease manufacturing cost, which was more conducive to ventilation in cooling tower. The work of impact annular blades reduced the turbine specific speed to a large extent which adapted to the internal structure of the cooling tower, the tangent of runner blade was perpendicular to the runner axis. Corresponding to the runner outlet, draft tube was designed with annual inlet, the water flow through the four water distribution pipes in the draft tube which was propitious to improve flow field performance in draft tube, meanwhile, the turbine was able to mount on the central base directly with this structure. Theoretical calculation on hydraulic loss in each domain was given and it was compared with corresponding data that acquired from numerical calculations;the results showed that the hydraulic loss in each domain was relatively small, and differences between them were less than 5%. Numerical calculations were carried out with model which was built in Solidedge and meshed in ICEM, SST k-ω was used in all simulations to capture fluid details, while monitoring points were located on guide vane and runner blade for obtaining pressure values. Numerical results showed that velocity at the volute outlet was consistent with constant velocity moment law and the flow field characteristics illustrated this model with good performance, and the predicting efficiency was around 90%.


毛秀麗,李春華,屈波,鄭源,栗文玲,章勛.蝸殼軸向出流式低比轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)水輪機(jī)設(shè)計(jì)與數(shù)值模擬[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2018,49(5):204-211. MAO Xiuli, LI Chunhua, QU Bo, ZHENG Yuan, LI Wenling, ZHANG Xun. Design and Numerical Simulation of Volute Axial Outflow Hydraulic Turbine with Low Specific Speed[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(5):204-211.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-10-31
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2018-05-10
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HXTS多极管式滑触线| 分液漏斗振荡器(萃取净化设备)百科| 天津工程机械研究院| 实验室多功能搅拌机| 超声波筛选| 聚乙烯逃生管| ELISA试剂盒| 无锡涡街流量计厂家| 非接触式RFID| 机械表深圳工厂| 北京雅士林试验设备| 推拉力计| 尼龙水处理设备| 危废处理系统| 淄博冷库安装设计| 搪瓷反应釜维修| 脉冲集尘器| 多功能变比测试仪| 奥林巴斯汽车清洁度| 不锈钢管件| 华铝断桥隔热型材| 滚筒秤| 专业的上海电动阀门生产厂家| 纳米ATO| 混合机厂家| 螺旋滑槽| 转换工作台钻攻中心| 可燃气体报警器| 超声波金属熔体处理设备| 宁波气动量仪| 气动量仪生产厂家| JDSU氦氖激光器| 恒温水槽与水浴锅| 安全网拉力试验机| 耐高温线槽| 电力物联网仪表| hmi触摸屏维修| 有毒有害气体检测仪| 匠客工程机械| 桃型柱护栏网| 武汉水处理设备|