






Effect of Wet-storage Additives on Fermentation Performance and Biomethane Potential of Corn Stover

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    Corn stover was one of important agricultural residues. Due to Chinese corn farming system, harvesting method, relativity lower mechanism and so on, the corn material for biogas industries was mostly dryyellow corn stover. In order to improve the efficiency of dryyellow corn stover and attain better material for wetstorage, the effect of different wetstorage additives on fermentation performance, bacterial community and biomethane potential (BMP) was focused on. Dryyellow corn stover was stored following five additives treatments for 30d, including Con group (without additives), Glu group (glucose addition of 3%), LP group (glucose addition of 3% and Lactobacillus plantarum addition of 1×106CFU/g), LB group (glucose addition of 3% and Lactobacillus brevis addition of 1×106CFU/g), AA group (glucose addition of 3% and acetic acid addition of 04%). In general, glucose addition 3% prior to storage attained wellpreserve; Lactobacillus plantarum or Lactobacillus brevis addition 1×106CFU/g with glucose addition 3% prior to storage improved the speed of pH value decreasing in early period and water soluble carbohydrate consuming, and significantly higher (P<0.05) lactic acid and acetic acid was produced, respectively. The result of bacterial community from raw material and five treatments showed the most epiphytic bacteria (at the phylum level) was Proteobacteria in raw material, after wetstorage Firmicutes became the dominant flora and Proteobacteria was reduced significantly (P<0.05). The community of lactic acid bacteria showed that Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Pediococcus were dominant flora when adding glucose alone, and relative abundance of Lactobacillus was increased to 41.07% when adding Lactobacillus plantarum with glucose addition. Weissella became the dominant flora when acetic acid was added. The result of batch test demonstrated that the biomethane potential of dryyellow corn stover was improved by wetstorage with glucose additive. Modified Gompertz models well simulated the anaerobic digestion process of the wetstorage dryyellow corn stover supplemented with additives. Considering the fermentation characteristics, biomethane potential, wetstorage the dryyellow corn stover with glucose addition and acetic acid addition could achieve the well quality and highvalue substance and increase the methane potential yield. 


崔 憲,郭建斌,徐 艷,溫嘯宇,龐昌樂(lè),董仁杰.秸稈濕貯存過(guò)程添加劑協(xié)同調(diào)控對(duì)甲烷產(chǎn)量的影響[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2018,49(9):302-310. CUI Xian, GUO Jianbin, XU Yan, WEN Xiaoyu, PANG Changle, DONG Renjie. Effect of Wet-storage Additives on Fermentation Performance and Biomethane Potential of Corn Stover[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(9):302-310.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-02-02
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  • 在線(xiàn)發(fā)布日期: 2018-09-10
  • 出版日期: 2018-09-10
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