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    為了快速檢測芒果樹上的芒果,提出了一種基于無人機的樹上綠色芒果視覺檢測方法。采用深度學習技術,利用YOLOv2模型對無人機采集的綠色芒果圖像進行檢測,首先通過無人機采集樹上綠色芒果圖像,對芒果圖像進行人工標記,建立芒果圖像的訓練集和測試集,通過試驗確定訓練模型的批處理量和初始學習率,并在訓練模型時根據訓練次數逐漸降低學習率,最終訓練的模型在訓練集的平均精度(Mean average precision,MAP)為86.43%。試驗分析了包含不同果實數和不同光照條件下綠色芒果圖像的識別正確率,并進行了芒果產量估計試驗,試驗結果表明:本文算法檢測一幅圖像的平均運行時間為0.08s,對測試集的識別正確率為90.64%,識別錯誤率為9.36%;對含不同果實數的圖像識別正確率為88.05%~94.55%,順光條件下識別正確率為93.42%,逆光條件下識別正確率為87.18%;對芒果產量估計的平均誤差為12.79%。本文算法對自然環(huán)境下樹上綠色芒果有較好的檢測效果,可為農業(yè)智能化生產中果蔬產量的估計提供技術支持。


    In order to detect the mango yield on trees rapidly, a green mango visual detection method based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was proposed. The deep learning technology and the YOLOv2 model were adopted to detect the mango images captured by UAV. Firstly, totally 471 images of the mango on trees were collected by the UAV. To meet the demand of diversity, totally 360 images included different shooting distances and different lighting situations were selected. Among which, 300 images were selected randomly as the training set, the other 60 images were used as the test set. Also, the shooting plan of the whole tree was designed. By image collecting and image mosaic, the integrated images of five mango trees were worked out for the yield estimating experiment of mango. After image collection, these images were marked manually and used to build the training set and the test set. The batch size and the initial learning rate were determined by experiments. During the model training, the learning rate was reduced gradually as the training times were changed. The mean average precision (MAP) of the trained model on the training set was 86.43%. By designing the experiments, the accuracy of mango recognition with images that containing different fruit numbers and different lighting conditions was worked out. Also, the yield estimation experiment was designed. The experimental results showed that the average running time of an image using the given algorithm was 0.08s, while the accuracy of the teat set was 90.64% and the false recognition rate was 9.36%; the highest recognition accuracy of image with different numbers of fruits was 94.55% and the lowest was 88.05%. The recognition accuracy was 93.42% under the condition of direct sunlight, and the recognition accuracy was 87.18% under the condition of backlight. The average error of the yield estimation of mango tree was 12.79%. The result demonstrated that the algorithm was effective for mango in natural environment, which can provide technical support for estimating the yield of fruits and vegetables in intelligent agricultural production.


熊俊濤,劉 振,林 睿,陳淑綿,陳偉杰,楊振剛.自然環(huán)境下樹上綠色芒果的無人機視覺檢測技術[J].農業(yè)機械學報,2018,49(11):23-29. XIONG Juntao, LIU Zhen, LIN Rui, CHEN Shumian, CHEN Weijie, YANG Zhengang. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Vision Detection Technology of Green Mango on Tree in Natural Environment[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(11):23-29.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-06-20
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2018-11-10
  • 出版日期: 2018-11-10
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