
基于Mask R-CNN的復(fù)雜背景下柑橘樹枝干識別與重建






Identification and Reconstruction of Citrus Branches under Complex Background Based on Mask R-CNN

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    為了獲取自然環(huán)境下完整柑橘果樹枝干信息,以引導(dǎo)采摘機器人進(jìn)行避障采摘作業(yè),提出了一種基于Mask R-CNN模型與多參數(shù)變量約束的柑橘果樹枝干識別與重建方法。該方法采用網(wǎng)格化的標(biāo)記方式對果樹枝干進(jìn)行標(biāo)記,完成了對柑橘果樹枝干的小區(qū)域識別;然后對該模型獲得的離散mask進(jìn)行最小外接矩處理,以獲得更精確的目標(biāo)區(qū)域;接著利用多參數(shù)變量約束完成同一枝干mask(掩碼)的劃分;最后為了使重建枝干更符合實際枝干的生長姿態(tài),以及完善未識別區(qū)域的檢測,對同一枝干mask中心點進(jìn)行了四次多項式擬合。實驗結(jié)果表明,模型在測試集下的平均識別精確率為98.15%,平均召回率為81.09%,果樹單條枝干平均擬合誤差為11.47%,果樹枝干整體平均重建準(zhǔn)確率為88.64%。


    In the process of citrus harvesting, it is necessary to obtain information about branches and trunks of fruit trees for obstacle avoidance. In natural environment, problems such as random growth posture, different shapes and blocked branches and trunks often arise. In order to complete the acquisition of complete information of branches, the small area recognition of citrus fruit branches was completed by grid marking. The precision rate of the training model under the test set was 98.15% and the average recall rate was 81.09%, and the marker formula could still achieve better recognition results. Because the identified small areas were discrete and discontinuous, it was necessary to divide and sort the discrete areas in order to reconstruct the branches and trunks of citrus trees. At the same time, in order to solve the problems of too many background areas in Mask R-CNN model recognition frame and the recognition frame can not rotate with the growth of branches, the discrete mask obtained from Mask R-CNN model was processed with minimum external moment, and the rectangular border with minimum external moment was used to replace the recognition frame of the original model. Secondly, through the statistical analysis of the position information such as angle and distance between the centerlines of adjacent recognition frames after processing, it was found that there were constraints on the parameters such as angle and distance between centerlines. Therefore, it was proposed to use multi-parameter variable constraints to complete the division of identical recognition frames, in order to reconstruct the branches more in line with the actual growth posture of the branches and improve the ignorance. In the detection of different regions, the center point of the identical trunk recognition frame was fitted by quadratic polynomial, and the fitting error was 11.47%. Finally, the experimental results showed that the citrus tree branch reconstruction accuracy rate was 8864%. This method can provide a basis for the robot to avoid obstacles safely.


楊長輝,王卓,熊龍燁,劉艷平,康曦龍,趙萬華.基于Mask R-CNN的復(fù)雜背景下柑橘樹枝干識別與重建[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學(xué)報,2019,50(8):22-30,69. YANG Changhui, WANG Zhuo, XIONG Longye, LIU Yanping, KANG Xilong, ZHAO Wanhua. Identification and Reconstruction of Citrus Branches under Complex Background Based on Mask R-CNN[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2019,50(8):22-30,69.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-05-29
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2019-08-10
  • 出版日期: 2019-08-10
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