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    為探討東北黑土區(qū)連續(xù)多年施加生物炭的應用效果及其綜合影響,尋找最佳的施碳量以及施加年限,于2015〖JP3〗年在位于黑龍江省北安市的紅星農場開展了生物炭最佳施用模式的研究。按照生物炭的施加量設置Y0(0t/hm2)、Y25(25t/hm2) 、Y50(50t/hm2) 、Y75(75t/hm2) 、Y100(100t/hm2)5個處理,每個處理重復兩次,連續(xù)施加4年(2015—2018年),對土壤理化性質、水土保持效應以及節(jié)水增產(chǎn)效應等指標進行觀測,建立基于優(yōu)化遺傳算法的投影模型,對指標進行了綜合評價。結果表明:隨著生物炭施加量、施加年限的增加,土壤容重呈現(xiàn)降低趨勢,土壤pH值、土壤碳氮比則呈現(xiàn)上升趨勢,且生物炭的累積施加量越大,這種趨勢就越明顯。Y25、Y50處理下的田間持水率隨著施加年限的增加呈現(xiàn)逐年升高趨勢,Y75處理則呈現(xiàn)出先升高、后降低的趨勢,Y100處理則呈現(xiàn)逐年下降趨勢,其中2018年Y25處理下的田間持水率為3733%。徑流系數(shù)與土壤侵蝕量均與施炭量呈現(xiàn)先降低、后升高的趨勢,連續(xù)施加兩年50t/hm2生物炭的徑流減少效果與抗侵蝕效果最優(yōu)。連續(xù)施加4年25t/hm2生物炭的玉米產(chǎn)量在所有處理中最高,為10350kg/hm2。水分利用效率(WUE)的最優(yōu)處理為2015年的Y50,為3285kg/(mm·hm2)。通過綜合評價模型得出,連續(xù)3年施加3263t/hm2生物炭為東北黑土區(qū)最佳生物炭施用模式。該研究結果可為生物炭對黑土區(qū)土壤改良提供理論依據(jù)。


    Aiming to explore the application effect and comprehensive effects of adding biochar for many years in the black soil region of Northeast China, find the best carbon application amount and application period, and provide scientific theoretical guidance for the efficient use of black soil resources and the sustainable development of water resources. In 2015, the research on the best application mode of biochar was carried out at Hongxing Farm in Bei`an City, Heilongjiang Province. Five treatments, including Y0 (0t/hm2), Y25 (25t/hm2), Y50 (50t/hm2), Y75 (75t/hm2) and Y100 (100t/hm2) were set according to the amount of biochar applied, and each treatment was repeated twice, and continuous application for four years (2015—2018), indicators of soil physical and chemical properties, soil and water conservation effects, and watersaving yield increase were observed. A projection model optimized by genetic algorithm was established to comprehensively evaluate the index. The results showed that with the increase of biochar application and application time, the soil bulk density showed a decreasing trend, soil pH and soil C/N showed an upward trend, and the larger the cumulative amount of biochar applied was, the more obvious the trend was. The field water holding capacity under the treatment of Y25 and Y50 showed an increasing trend with the increase of the application period. The Y75 treatment showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. The field water holding capacity under Y100 treatment showed a downward trend year by year, and the field water holding capacity under Y25 treatment in 2018 was 3733%, the runoff coefficient and soil erosion amount were both decreased first and then increased. The effect of 50t/hm2 biochar on reducing runoff and resisting erosion were the best. The yield of corn with 25t/hm2 biochar applied continuously for four years was the highest in all treatments, which was 10350kg/hm2. Through the comprehensive evaluation model, the best biochar application mode of 3263t/hm2 biochar applied to the northeast black soil area was obtained for three consecutive years. The results of this study can provide a theoretical basis for biochar to improve soil in black soil areas.


魏永霞,馮超,石國新,吳昱,劉慧.黑土區(qū)坡耕地連年施加生物炭的最佳模式研究[J].農業(yè)機械學報,2019,50(10):269-277. WEI Yongxia, FENG Chao, SHI Guoxin, WU Yu, LIU Hui. Optimal Application Mode of Biochar in Sloping Farmland of Black Soil Area[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2019,50(10):269-277.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-03-11
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2019-10-10
  • 出版日期: 2019-10-10
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