






Investigation on Motor-driving Maize Precision Seed Meter System Supporting On-site Calibration of Rotate Speed of Seed Plate

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    Facing the problem of existing maize precision planting control system cannot quickly drive the seed sowing of multiple types corn precision seed meters, an on-site seeding rate calibration system was designed based on the controller area network (CAN) bus motor-driving corn planting technology. From the corresponding relationship between the motor control signal and the rotate speed of seed plate, the system got the seed meter driving curve in the filed using piecewise linear interpolation to realize the seeding rate control. Taking a domestic corn air-suction seed meter and a corn finger pick-up seed meter as the test objects, the speed control performance of seed plate in simulative travel speed was respectively evaluated. In the experiment of rotate speed control performance of corn air-suction seed meter, the seed spacing was set to be 25cm and the travel speed was set to be 3~12km/h with increment of 3km/h, the greatest response time was 0.80s, the biggest steady-state error was 0.81r/min and the lowest accuracy of seed plate rotate speed control was 97.42%. In the experiment of rotate speed control performance of corn finer pick-up seed meter, the seed spacing was set to be 20cm, 25cm and 32cm and the travel speed was set to be 4~9km/h with increment of 1km/h, the results showed that the average response time of the whole rotate speed of seed meter was 1.09s with standard deviation of 0.26s;the average steady-state error of the whole experiments was 0.38r/min with standard deviation of 0.23r/min;the average accuracy of rotate speed control of the whole experiments was 98.30% with standard deviation of 1.01%. Compared the seed plate rotate speed control system with the sectional proportion integration differentiation (PID) method, the system supported seed plate rotate speed on-line calibration had a better adaptability, the average response time was decreased by 0.51s, the average steady-state error was increased by 0.16r/min and the average accuracy of rotate speed control was decreased by 0.63 percentage points. The planting uniformity experiment in field was performed, taking the finger pick-up seed meter as the material. In the experiment of planting uniformity in field, the seed spacing was set to be 20cm and the travel speed was 4~7km/h with increment of 1km/h, the results showed that the quality of feed index was greater or equal to 84.26%, and the coefficient of variation was less than or equal to 18.29%. The above results indicated that the system can precisely control the rotate speed of motor driving planting through the way of calibrating the planting rotate speed control curve of corn precision seed meter on site with high accuracy.


楊碩,王秀,高原源,翟長遠,趙學(xué)觀,趙春江.支持轉(zhuǎn)速現(xiàn)場標定的玉米精密排種器電驅(qū)控制系統(tǒng)研究[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學(xué)報,2020,51(1):47-55. YANG Shuo, WANG Xiu, GAO Yuanyuan, ZHAI Changyuan, ZHAO Xueguan, ZHAO Chunjiang. Investigation on Motor-driving Maize Precision Seed Meter System Supporting On-site Calibration of Rotate Speed of Seed Plate[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(1):47-55.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-09-11
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-01-10
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