
基于改進Faster R-CNN的馬鈴薯芽眼識別方法






Recognition Method for Potato Buds Based on Improved Faster R-CNN

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    為提高對馬鈴薯芽眼的識別效果,提出一種基于改進Faster R-CNN的馬鈴薯芽眼識別方法。對Faster R-CNN中的非極大值抑制(Nonmaximum suppression, NMS)算法進行優(yōu)化,對與M交并比(Intersection over union, IOU) 大于等于Nt的相鄰檢測框,利用高斯降權(quán)函數(shù)對其置信度進行衰減,通過判別參數(shù)對衰減后的置信度作進一步判斷;在訓(xùn)練過程中加入采用優(yōu)化NMS算法的在線難例挖掘 (Online hard example mining, OHEM) 技術(shù),對馬鈴薯芽眼進行識別試驗。試驗結(jié)果表明:改進的模型識別精度為96.32%,召回率為90.85%,F(xiàn)1為93.51%,平均單幅圖像的識別時間為0.183s。與原始的Faster R-CNN模型相比,改進的模型在不增加運行時間的前提下,精度、召回率、F1分別提升了4.65、6.76、5.79個百分點。改進Faster R-CNN模型能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)馬鈴薯芽眼的有效識別,滿足實時處理的要求,可為種薯自動切塊中的芽眼識別提供參考。


    At present, the cutting of seed potatoes is mainly accomplished manually, which caused a series of problems, such as heavy labor intensity, low efficiency and high cost. Thus, the automated cutting of seed potatoes is urgently needed to be solved, especially with the rising cost and decreasing availability of labor. The first and foremost step for automated cutting is the recognition of potato buds. An improved faster region convolutional neural network (Faster R-CNN) scheme was proposed to achieve better recognition performance for potato buds. Data augmentation technique was leveraged to expand the potato dataset. Faster R-CNN model was trained based on the expanded dataset, and experimental results on the test set indicated that the recognition precision was 91.67%, recall rate was 84.09% and F1 was 87.72%. The average running time was 0.183 s. On this basis, an improved Faster R-CNN approach was proposed. Gaussian weight reduction function was adopted to optimize the nonmaximum suppression (NMS) algorithm in Faster R-CNN. For the detection boxes which had overlaps with M greater than or equal to the threshold Nt, the corresponding scores was decayed in the improved Faster R-CNN, rather than setting them to zero in Faster R-CNN. Besides, a strategy of online hard example mining (OHEM) with the optimized NMS algorithm was adopted in the improved Faster R-CNN. Experimental results on the test set demonstrated that the improved Faster R-CNN scheme achieved a precision of 96.32%, a recall rate of 90.85% and an F1 of 93.51%, which were increased by 4.65 percentage points, 6.76 percentage points and 579 percentage points, respectively, compared with Faster R-CNN. Moreover, the average running time of the improved scheme was 0.183s, which was the same to that of Faster R-CNN. Namely, the improved scheme could achieve better recognition performance without incurring any noticeable additional computational overhead, thus satisfying the requirements for realtime processing. Consequently, the improved Faster R-CNN approach was effective for potato bud recognition and could lay a solid foundation for future automated cutting of seed potatoes. 


席芮,姜凱,張萬枝,呂釗欽,侯加林.基于改進Faster R-CNN的馬鈴薯芽眼識別方法[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學(xué)報,2020,51(4):216-223. XI Rui, JIANG Kai, ZHANG Wanzhi, L Zhaoqin, HOU Jialin. Recognition Method for Potato Buds Based on Improved Faster R-CNN[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(4):216-223.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-10-17
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-04-10
  • 出版日期: 2020-04-10
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