






Effects of Biological Organic Fertilizer and Yellow River Sediment Mixture on Water Consumption and Growth of Winter Wheat in Saline-Alkali Land

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    Aiming to analyze the effects of saline-alkali land improvement measures on water consumption and yield control of wheat under the condition of spring water limitation, and provide theoretical basis for promoting the increase of winter wheat yield and the improvement of water use efficiency in saline-alkali wheat areas. The positioning monitoring test was adopted in the three consecutive wheat growing seasons from 2015 to 2018. Four processing was set, respectively was with biological organic fertilizer (FF), mixed with Yellow River sediment (SS) and the biological organic fertilizer and Yellow River sediment mixed (SF), and CK treatment as control. The results showed that the annual yield was 3317.77~5449.52kg/hm2 for three consecutive years, and SF treatment with Yellow River sediment and biological organic fertilizer had the highest grain yield. Compared with the control treatment, SF treatment increased the grain yield by 35%~51%. The variation amplitude of total water consumption was 352.85~394.89mm, and the total water consumption between different treatments was the lowest in CK (352.85~386.17mm). The water use efficiency of each treatment was 9.01~13.96kg/(hm2·mm).SF (12.02~13.96kg/(hm2·mm)) had the highest water use efficiency, which was higher than that of CK by 33%~48%, followed by FF (organic fertilizer) and SS (Yellow River sediment), which were respectively higher than that of control by 9%~32% and 9%~18%. Mixing Yellow River sediment (SS) or biological organic fertilizer mixing (FF) treatment can increase water storage in soil layer 0~200cm before jointing, increase water consumption from jointing to maturity stage and its proportion in total water consumption, promote the utilization of water storage in soil and deep soil water of winter wheat, and finally improve biomass and grain yield of winter wheat. The grain yield of winter wheat was positively correlated with dry matter accumulation and grain number per panicle. WUE had a conic relation with water consumption and yield of winter wheat. With the increase of grain yield, WUE was increased rapidly. Under this research conditions, with the increase of water consumption, trend of WUE was different among different treatments. Taking yield, harvest index and water use efficiency into consideration, mixing Yellow River sediment and applying biological organic fertilizer (SF) was the best treatment under the conditions of this study.


李曉爽,黨紅凱,宋妮,申孝軍,高陽,孫景生.肥沙混施對鹽堿地冬小麥耗水特性與生長的影響[J].農業(yè)機械學報,2020,51(5):272-284. LI Xiaoshuang, DANG Hongkai, SONG Ni, SHEN Xiaojun, GAO Yang, SUN Jingsheng. Effects of Biological Organic Fertilizer and Yellow River Sediment Mixture on Water Consumption and Growth of Winter Wheat in Saline-Alkali Land[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(5):272-284.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-11-05
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-05-10
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