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    針對(duì)目前豬舍環(huán)境控制中傳感器只能實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)當(dāng)前環(huán)境狀況的監(jiān)測(cè),無(wú)法對(duì)豬舍內(nèi)環(huán)境變化趨勢(shì)作出預(yù)判,不能提前對(duì)環(huán)境控制設(shè)備運(yùn)行狀態(tài)進(jìn)行調(diào)節(jié),在一定程度上造成環(huán)境控制效果滯后的問(wèn)題,基于深度學(xué)習(xí)方法,結(jié)合實(shí)際傳感器監(jiān)測(cè)的歷史數(shù)據(jù)和豬舍外影響數(shù)據(jù),建立了長(zhǎng)短時(shí)記憶(Long shortterm memory,LSTM)網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)測(cè)模型,實(shí)現(xiàn)了精確的豬舍內(nèi)溫濕度變化預(yù)測(cè)。結(jié)果表明,豬舍內(nèi)冬季和夏季溫濕度預(yù)測(cè)值與實(shí)測(cè)值變化趨勢(shì)一致,溫度最大誤差1.9℃,平均誤差為0.5℃;相對(duì)濕度最大誤差為13.5%,平均誤差為2.3%;溫度和相對(duì)濕度預(yù)測(cè)的平均決定系數(shù)分別為0.821和0.645。本文建立的預(yù)測(cè)模型具有較優(yōu)性能,可為制定優(yōu)化的豬舍內(nèi)環(huán)境控制策略,解決環(huán)境控制效果滯后問(wèn)題提供可行的參考。


    With the development of scaled pig farm, the environmentalcontrolled breeding production with closed house has got a rapid progress in recent years. However, in order to maximize the commercial interests, there are always limited living space designed for pigs in the closed pig house. Indoor environmental quality, especially the thermal environment quality, is particularly important in the limited living space of the closed pig house, which has significant effect on pigs health, welfare and reproductivity. The indoor environment mainly includes thermal environment, harmful gas, dust, bacteria, light, etc. The thermal environment mainly refers to the indoor air temperature and humidity. The indoor air temperature is one of the most important environmental factors that directly affects the heat balance of pigs. Because pigs maintain a constant body temperature and carry out normal life activities through the balance of heat production and dissipation. So, indoor air temperature takes a critical role on keeping a constant pig body temperature and affect the health level and reproductive capacity of pigs. The humidity affects the evaporation and the body heat regulation of pigs. The high temperature and high humidity environment will seriously affect the pigs’ daily weight gain, at the same time, it will cause bacteria growth and disease. So, the indoor air temperature and humidity were payed much attention by many researchers in the past decades in order to maintain a suitable indoor environment for pigs. An optimized control strategy, an accuracy and timeliness environmental control was the first important task for pig house environmental control system. At present, the operation of environmental control devices in pig house mainly relies on data that collected by sensors. However, due to the data collected by sensors can only reflect the current indoor environmental conditions, it can not predict the trend of environmental variation in pig house, thus can not adjust the operation status of environmental control device in advance, to some extent, which leads to some time lag of environmental control system. Predictions of indoor environment is an effective way to provide a precision and optimal control strategy with forecasting for the indoor temperature and humidity variations to avoid some control lags. Combined with the actual historical temperature and humidity data and external influence data that collected by sensors, and based on the deep learning method, the long short-term memory (LSTM) prediction model was developed to achieve an accurate prediction and verification of temperature and humidity variation in pig house. The results showed that the predictions of temperature and humidity were consistent well with the observations whatever in winter or in summer. The maximum error of temperature was 1.9℃, and the mean error was 0.5℃; the maximum error of relative humidity was 135%, and the mean error was 2.3%; the mean determination coefficients R2 of temperature and humidity were 0.821 and 0.645, respectively. The established prediction model achieved a higher performance, which can provide a feasible reference for an optimal environmental control strategy and the reduction of time lag for environmental control in pig house. 


謝秋菊,鄭萍,包軍,蘇中濱.基于深度學(xué)習(xí)的密閉式豬舍內(nèi)溫濕度預(yù)測(cè)模型[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2020,51(10):353-361. XIE Qiuju, ZHENG Ping, BAO Jun, SU Zhongbin. Thermal Environment Prediction and Validation Based on Deep Learning Algorithm in Closed Pig House[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(10):353-361.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-02-06
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-10-10
  • 出版日期: 2020-10-10
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