






Design and Experiment of Vehicle-borne Stabilized Platform Leveling System Based on Active Suspension

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    In order to solve the problems of poor flexibility and long leveling time of the current rigid outrigger leveling device, the vehicleborne stabilized platform leveling system was designed based on active suspension. The system mainly included threeaxle sixwheel vehicle chassis, inertial measurement unit, control system and hydraulic system. By the means of suspension interconnection, the six points support structure of the suspension cylinder to the vehicle platform was equivalent to three points support structure, and the height of the three support points were adjusted by the center fixed leveling algorithm, so as to realize the leveling control of the vehicleborne stabilized platform. In order to verify the feasibility of the leveling system, the prototype was trial manufactured and experimented. The experiment included parking leveling experiment and driving leveling experiment. The parking leveling experiment included two kinds of experiment, one was based on the designed leveling system and the other was based on the original rigid outrigger leveling device of the prototype. The experimental results of the parking leveling showed that during parking leveling, it took about 5.5s to adjust the platform pitch angle from 2.5° to horizontal state and the leveling process was smooth, and the leveling accuracy was 0.1°. Compared with the rigid outriggers, the designed leveling system had obvious advantages in leveling speed and leveling accuracy during the parking leveling. The driving leveling experiment also included two kinds of experiment: unilateral bridge leveling and bilateral bridge leveling. The experimental results of the driving leveling showed that when passing the unilateral bridge for leveling, the maximum platform inclination error was 0.58° and when passing the bilateral bridge for leveling, the maximum platform pitch error was 0.55°. The platform inclination error was small during the driving leveling process which can basically meet the requirements of actual job. It was proved that the vehicleborne stabilized platform leveling system based on active suspension not only can ensure the leveling speed and leveling accuracy during the parking leveling, but also can realize the function of leveling while driving.


郭慶賀,趙丁選.基于主動懸掛的車載穩(wěn)定平臺調(diào)平系統(tǒng)設計與試驗[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學報,2020,51(10):403-410. GUO Qinghe, ZHAO Dingxuan. Design and Experiment of Vehicle-borne Stabilized Platform Leveling System Based on Active Suspension[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(10):403-410.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-02-06
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-10-10
  • 出版日期: 2020-10-10
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