






Design and Experiment of Belt Screen Seed Sorter for Camellia oleifera Fused with Photoelectric Color Sorting Technology

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    After batch of Camellia oleifera are peeled, the shells and seeds of Camellia oleifera are mixed together. In order to ensure the quality of camellia oil, clean seeds should be obtained. Currently, seeds are picked out manually, which is time-consuming and laborious with low efficiency. Therefore, a belt screen seed sorter for Camellia oleifera fused with photoelectric color sorting technology was designed. Firstly, according to the characteristic differences of Camellia oleifera shells and seeds in friction angle and collision coefficient, the vibrating belt screen was designed for initial separation. Secondly, the difference in gray value was used to carry out secondary photoelectric separation of residual seeds in the shell of after belt separation. Kinematics and dynamics analysis of Camellia oleifera shells and seeds on the belt screen showed that the main factors affecting the screening rate of the vibrating belt were belt inclination (A), belt speed (B) and vibration frequency (C). Based on the cleanliness rate of the seed and the ratio of seeds in shell, the orthogonal rotation combination test was carried out. When the belt inclination angle was 19°, the belt speed was 1.50m/s, and the vibration frequency was 55.40Hz, the index parameters of the seed box cleaning rate were 95.52% and the ratio of seeds in shell was 24.30%. The optimal parameters were tested and verified, and the results were reliable. The photoelectric sorting test for materials with different seed ratios showed that the cleanness rate of the seed was stable at 98.23%, and the ratio of seeds in shell remained at 2.34%, indicating that the photoelectric sorting can accurately identify and sort out the Camellia oleifera seeds. The optimal parameter test results of the whole machine showed that the average cleaning rate of Camellia oleifera seeds in the two seed boxes of machine and the ratio of seeds in shell was 97.55% and 3.27%, respectively. This belt screen seed sorter for Camellia oleifera based on photoelectric color separation realized the efficient separation of camellia hulls and seeds, laying a foundation for the subsequent improvement of the quality of camellia oil.


鹿瑤,王偉,鐘斌,金奇,王博.融合光電色選的皮帶篩式油茶果殼籽分選機(jī)設(shè)計與試驗[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2020,51(s1):429-439. LU Yao, WANG Wei, ZHONG Bin, JIN Qi, WANG Bo. Design and Experiment of Belt Screen Seed Sorter for Camellia oleifera Fused with Photoelectric Color Sorting Technology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(s1):429-439.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-08-10
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-11-10
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