






Improvement Design of 4MB-6 Row-controlled Shoveling and Drawing Placement Machine for Cotton-stalks in Close Planting

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    Aiming at the existing problems in the field test of the primary 4MB-6 row-controlled shoveling and drawing placement machine for cottonstalks in close planting, such as severe soil hilling in the drag reduction device, cottonstalks accumulation in the rowcontrolled shoveling device, discontinuous operation and poor effectiveness of drawingplacing roller and so on, the primary machine were improved. In order to further improve the performance of machine, the working mechanism of main working parts should be analyzed. Adopting the technique of discharging furrow slice insitu and interval operation and when shoveling depth of the rowcontrolled shoveling device was about 11.5cm, the virtual and actual operation ratio of shoveling at bottom and surface was 1∶2.42 and 1∶0.59 respectively that was a continuous decreasing trend from the ground to the bottom, which was helpful to reduce operating power consumption of the machine. Under extrusion and shearing of shoveling plate and side panel with blade of trapezoid frame, the soil around soilroot composite were damaged by shearing and bending and soilroot composite were also damaged and uplifted insitu in upper soil during the process of shoveling, and the rowcontrolled shoveling device had little disturbance to the rest of the soil. The principle of reverse pushing and drawing was adopted when designing the pushingdrawing roller with tooth type. As the diameter of the main part of the cottonstalks was gradually increased from top to bottom, it was helpful to introduce the cottonstalks into Vshaped cutter and clamp the cottonstalks effectively. In addition, because the cottonstalks that would be pulled up was shoveled and lifted, and working depth of the pushingdrawing roller (0~10mm) was small, which both were helpful to further reduce the power consumption of whole machine. The results of field test showed that the improved machine had stable operation performance compared with the primary one. The rowcontrolled shoveling device could work smoothly and achieve the goal of rowcontrolled shoveling and uplifting insitu cottonstalks. The pushingdrawing roller with tooth type could clamp the cottonstalks effectively and separate the soil from soilroot composite when throwing cottonstalks tangentially, and it could also spread cottonstalks in the field. The pulling rate of the improved machine was 90.87%~91.42%, which could meet the design requirements of shoveling and drawing cottonstalks (the pulling rate should be greater than or equal to 90%). It was a suitable equipment for mechanized harvesting of the cottonstalks in Xinjiang cotton area.


賀小偉,劉金秀,徐楊,王龍,高筱鈞,王旭峰.4MB-6型密植棉稈對行鏟拔鋪放機改進設(shè)計[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學(xué)報,2020,51(s2):21-30. HE Xiaowei, LIU Jinxiu, XU Yang, WANG Long, GAO Xiaojun, WANG Xufeng. Improvement Design of 4MB-6 Row-controlled Shoveling and Drawing Placement Machine for Cotton-stalks in Close Planting[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2020,51(s2):21-30.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-08-10
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2020-12-10
  • 出版日期: 2020-12-10
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