
基于改進(jìn)Faster R-CNN的田間黃板害蟲(chóng)檢測(cè)算法






Pest Detection Algorithm of Yellow Plate in Field Based on Improved Faster R-CNN

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    針對(duì)黃板誘捕的害蟲(chóng)體積小、數(shù)量多和分布不均勻,難以進(jìn)行害蟲(chóng)識(shí)別的問(wèn)題,引入當(dāng)前主流目標(biāo)檢測(cè)模型Faster R-CNN對(duì)黃板上的小菜蛾、黃曲條跳甲和煙粉虱等主要害蟲(chóng)進(jìn)行識(shí)別與計(jì)數(shù),提出一種基于改進(jìn)Faster R-CNN的田間黃板害蟲(chóng)檢測(cè)算法(Mobile terminal pest Faster R-CNN,MPF R-CNN)。該算法將ResNet101網(wǎng)絡(luò)與FPN網(wǎng)絡(luò)相結(jié)合作為特征提取網(wǎng)絡(luò),并在RPN網(wǎng)絡(luò)設(shè)計(jì)多種不同尺寸錨點(diǎn)對(duì)特征圖像進(jìn)行前景和背景判斷,使用ROIAlign替代ROIPooling進(jìn)行特征映射,以及使用雙損失函數(shù)進(jìn)行算法參數(shù)控制。對(duì)2440幅樣本圖像的實(shí)驗(yàn)分析表明,在真實(shí)復(fù)雜的自然環(huán)境下,MPF R-CNN對(duì)煙粉虱、黃曲條跳甲、小菜蛾和其他大型害蟲(chóng)(體長(zhǎng)大于5mm)檢測(cè)的平均精度分別為87.84%、86.94%、87.42%和86.38%;在35cm×25cm黃板上不超過(guò)480只的低密度下平均精度均值為93.41%,在480~960只害蟲(chóng)的中等密度下平均精度均值為89.76%。同時(shí)實(shí)驗(yàn)顯示,在中低等密度下晴天和雨天的檢測(cè)精度無(wú)明顯差異,本算法計(jì)數(shù)結(jié)果與害蟲(chóng)計(jì)數(shù)決定系數(shù)為0.9255。將該算法置入以“微信小程序+云存儲(chǔ)服務(wù)器+算法服務(wù)器”為架構(gòu)的小米7手機(jī)終端系統(tǒng)中進(jìn)行應(yīng)用測(cè)試,平均識(shí)別時(shí)間為1.7s。研究表明,該算法在精度和速度上均可支持當(dāng)前便攜式應(yīng)用,為利用手機(jī)對(duì)蔬菜害蟲(chóng)進(jìn)行快速監(jiān)測(cè)與識(shí)別提供了技術(shù)支撐。


    Realizing identification and counting of vegetable pests captured by yellow plates under complex conditions in the field is an essential prerequisite for targeted prevention and treatment pests and diseases of crop. Because of the small size, the large number and uneven distribution of pests trapped by yellow plates, it brings a great challenge to both manual and machine identification of pests. The current mainstream machine learning model Faster R-CNN was introduced to identify and count the main pests such as diamondback moth, striped flea beetle and bemisia tabaci on the yellow plates. It also proposed a modified Faster R-CNN pest detection algorithm (Mobile terminal pest Faster R-CNN, MPF R-CNN) based on Faster R-CNN. This algorithm combined ResNet101 network with FPN network as a feature extraction network and designed a variety of different size anchor pairs in the RPN network to judge the foreground and background of features. This algorithm also adopted ROIAlign instead of ROIPooling for feature mapping and a dual loss function for algorithm parameter control. The experimental analysis of 2440 sample images showed that the average accuracy of MPF R-CNN in the detection of bemisia tabaci, striped flea beetle, diamondback moth and other large pests (body length greater than 5mm) in the realistic and complex natural environment were 87.84%, 86.94%, 87.42% and 86.38%, respectively. The average accuracy in the low density of 0~480 on 35cm×25cm yellow plate was 93.41%, and the mean accuracy in the case of the medium density of 480~960 was 89.76%. There was no significant difference between the detection accuracy in sunny and rainy days in medium and low density and the determination coefficient between the counting result of this algorithm and the insect count was 0.9255. Simultaneously, the average recognition time of the algorithm was 1.7s when it was put into the Mi 7 mobile terminal system with the architecture of “WeChat applet + cloud storage server + algorithm server” for application test. The results showed that the present algorithm can support the current portable applications in terms of accuracy and speed and can provide technical support for the rapid mobile monitoring and identification of vegetable pests, which had a good promotion prospect.


肖德琴,黃一桂,張遠(yuǎn)琴,劉又夫,林思聰,楊文濤.基于改進(jìn)Faster R-CNN的田間黃板害蟲(chóng)檢測(cè)算法[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2021,52(6):242-251. XIAO Deqin, HUANG Yigui, ZHANG Yuanqin, LIU Youfu, LIN Sicong, YANG Wentao. Pest Detection Algorithm of Yellow Plate in Field Based on Improved Faster R-CNN[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2021,52(6):242-251.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-12-27
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2021-06-10
  • 出版日期: 2021-06-10
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