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    針對(duì)現(xiàn)有氣力式棉花排種器高速作業(yè)下充種性能不佳、排種精度低的問(wèn)題,結(jié)合內(nèi)充種式排種器結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn),設(shè)計(jì)了一種內(nèi)充氣力式棉花高速精量排種器,該排種器利用內(nèi)充與氣流吸附方式進(jìn)行雙重充種,經(jīng)清種裝置作用后,采用二次投種方式完成排種過(guò)程。構(gòu)建了種子充填與吸附力學(xué)模型,確定了關(guān)鍵部件主要結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù),并對(duì)影響排種器工作性能的主要因素進(jìn)行了試驗(yàn)研究。以清種距離為影響因子進(jìn)行了單因素試驗(yàn),基于最優(yōu)清種效果,采用三因素三水平Box-Behnken中心組合設(shè)計(jì)試驗(yàn)分析吸孔直徑、前進(jìn)速度與負(fù)壓對(duì)排種性能的影響規(guī)律,獲得了最佳工作參數(shù)組合,并進(jìn)行了高速條件下排種性能對(duì)比試驗(yàn)。結(jié)果表明:清種距離為2.0 mm時(shí),排種器清種效果最優(yōu);影響排種合格指數(shù)與漏播指數(shù)的主次因素分別為負(fù)壓、前進(jìn)速度、吸孔直徑;最佳參數(shù)組合為吸孔直徑2.9 mm、前進(jìn)速度8.4 km/h、負(fù)壓1150 Pa。經(jīng)臺(tái)架試驗(yàn)驗(yàn)證,其性能指標(biāo)為合格指數(shù)均值96.48%、重播指數(shù)均值2.41%、漏播指數(shù)均值1.11%;在作業(yè)速度8~12 km/h范圍內(nèi),內(nèi)充氣力式排種器排種合格指數(shù)均大于91%、漏播指數(shù)小于7%,且排種效果優(yōu)于垂直圓盤(pán)氣吸式排種器,滿足棉花精量直播農(nóng)藝要求。


    Aiming to solve the problem of poor seed filling performance and low seeding accuracy of the current pneumatic precision seedmetering device for cottonseed under high speed operation. Based on the structural characteristics of inside-filling seed-metering device, a kind of inside-filling pneumatic high speed precision cotton seed-metering device was developed. During the working process of the seed-metering device, the dual seed filling method combining inside-filling and airflow absorption was utilized in the filling place, and after the action of seed eliminating apparatus, twice seed throwing mode was applied in the throwing place. The mechanical model of seed filling and adsorption were constructed and the structural parameters of key components were determined. In order to explore the performance of seed-metering device, some relevant bench test were carried out with the cotton seed variety E'kangmian-10 of which the moisture content was 8.92% was selected as experimental material and the qualified index, multiple index and missing index were taken as evaluation indicators. First of all, the single factor experiment was employed with eliminating distance as the impact factor and the optimal one for cotton direction seeding was chosen out. Then based on the above optimal seed cleaning effect, the Box-Behnken rotation-orthogonal combination experiment of three factors and three levels was executed, so as to study the influence law of suction hole diameter, forward speed and vacuum degree on seeding performance and achieve the optimal combination of each factors. Additionally, compared with the traditional vertical disk air-suction seed-metering device, a contrast test of seeding performance under high speed condition was carried out. The results indicated that the inside-filling pneumatic precision seed-metering device had the optimal cleaning effect with the qualified index of 93.14% and missing index of 3.73% when the eliminating distance was set at 2.0 mm. The factors influencing qualified index and missing index of seed-metering device was in the following order as vacuum degree, forward speed and suction hole diameter. The optimal combination was suction hole diameter with 2.9 mm, forward speed with 8.4 km/h and vacuum degree with 1150 Pa under the solution of Design-Expert 10.0.4 optimization module. On the above condition, the qualified index, multiple index and missing index of seeding were 96.48%, 2.41% and 1.11%, respectively. In the range of 8~12 km/h, the qualified index of seeding was more than 91% and missing index was less than 7%, which was better than the seeding performance of traditional vertical disk air-suction seed-metering device and met agronomy requirement for cotton direct seeding.


胡夢(mèng)杰,夏俊芳,鄭侃,杜俊,劉政源,周明寬.內(nèi)充氣力式棉花高速精量排種器設(shè)計(jì)與試驗(yàn)[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2021,52(8):73-85. HU Mengjie, XIA Junfang, ZHENG Kan, DU Jun, LIU Zhengyuan, ZHOU Mingkuan. Design and Experiment of Inside-filling Pneumatic High Speed Precision Seed-metering Device for Cotton[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2021,52(8):73-85.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-09-26
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2021-08-10
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