






Design and Experiment of Panax notoginseng Bionic Excavating Shovel Based on EDEM

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    為減小三七收獲過程中的挖掘阻力,以三七根莖及種植土壤為研究對象,測定本征物理參數(shù),設(shè)置Bonding鍵參數(shù)建立三七根莖的離散元模型,分析根土粘結(jié)機理,利用Hertz-Mindlin with JKR建立三七根莖-種植土壤離散元復(fù)合模型;建立并分析挖掘鏟的理論力學(xué)模型,確定仿生挖掘鏟設(shè)計尺寸(長×寬×厚)為:360mm×150mm×8mm、入土角30°、鏟尖半角60°;采集野豬頭三維模型的點云數(shù)據(jù),確定仿生鏟的結(jié)構(gòu)曲線方程,建立仿生挖掘鏟的三維模型;開展仿生挖掘鏟與平面挖掘鏟的仿真對比試驗,追蹤顆粒位移流向得平均位移以及平均挖掘阻力,分析顆粒的速度矢量明晰了挖掘鏟面的減阻機理,得仿生挖掘鏟的仿真試驗減阻率為19.15%;利用高速攝影和阻力采集設(shè)備開展土槽試驗,結(jié)果表明土壤顆粒流向與仿真趨勢一致,仿生挖掘鏟和平面挖掘鏟的平均挖掘阻力為1207.23、1594.49N,仿生挖掘鏟減阻率為24.29%,與仿真試驗減阻率十分接近,驗證了離散元模型準(zhǔn)確可靠、挖掘鏟力學(xué)模型構(gòu)建準(zhǔn)確,仿生結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計合理。


    In order to reduce the digging resistance during Panax notoginseng harvesting, the roots and planting soil of Panax notoginseng were taken as the research object, the intrinsic physical parameters were measured, Bonding parameters were set to establish the discrete element model of roots and stems of Panax notoginseng , and the root and soil bonding mechanism was analyzed. The Hertz-Mindlin with JKR was used to establish the discrete element composite model of roots and stems and planting soil of Panax notoginseng. The theoretical mechanical model of the digging shovel was established and analyzed, and the design model size of the bionic digging shovel was determined as follows: 360mm×150mm×8mm, entry angle of 30°, half angle of the shovel tip of 60°. The point cloud data of the three-dimensional boar head model were collected, the structural curve equation of the bionic shovel was determined, and the three-dimensional model of the bionic excavator shovel was established. The simulation comparison test of bionic excavator shovel and plane excavator shovel was carried out, the average displacement and average excavation resistance were obtained by tracking the particle displacement flow direction, and the drag reduction mechanism of excavation shovel surface was defined by analyzing the particle velocity vector. The drag reduction rate of the bionic excavator was 19.15% in the simulation test. The soil groove test was carried out with high-speed photography equipment and resistance acquisition equipment. The results showed that the flow direction of soil particles was consistent with the simulation trend. The average digging resistance of the bionic excavator and the surface excavator was 1207.23N and 1594.49N, and the drag reduction rate of the bionic excavator was 24.29%, which was very close to the drag reduction rate of the simulation test. It was verified that the discrete element model was accurate and reliable, the mechanical model of excavation shovel was constructed accurately, and the bionic structure design was reasonable.


張兆國,薛浩田,王一馳,解開婷,鄧寓軒.基于離散元法的三七仿生挖掘鏟設(shè)計與試驗[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學(xué)報,2022,53(5):100-111. ZHANG Zhaoguo, XUE Haotian, WANG Yichi, XIE Kaiting, DENG Yuxuan. Design and Experiment of Panax notoginseng Bionic Excavating Shovel Based on EDEM[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2022,53(5):100-111.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-05-26
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2022-05-10
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