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    針對(duì)高光譜遙感土壤重金屬含量估算研究中光譜特征信息弱、模型反演魯棒性差的問題,提出構(gòu)建污染源-匯空間特征量化污染物擴(kuò)散與匯聚空間影響因子,融合光譜特征建立基于極端隨機(jī)樹(Extremely randomized trees,ERT)的土壤重金屬含量估算模型。以濟(jì)源市耕地土壤為研究區(qū),布設(shè)采集土壤樣本249個(gè),分析了光譜特征、地形特征和污染源空間特征在土壤重金屬鉛(Pb)、鉻(Cd)含量反演中的有效性及影響機(jī)理,采用置換重要性指數(shù)優(yōu)選多源特征,通過與多種回歸模型對(duì)比,評(píng)價(jià)ERT模型的預(yù)測(cè)精度。研究表明,變換后的土壤光譜特征構(gòu)建ERT模型引入地形特征和污染源空間特征后精度提升顯著,尤其是污染源空間特征優(yōu)勢(shì)更為明顯,Pb的ERT模型均方根誤差由43.185mg/kg下降到22.301mg/kg,下降了48.36%。Cd的ERT模型均方根誤差由0.738mg/kg下降到0.371mg/kg,下降了49.73%,充分說明引入污染擴(kuò)散空間特征的有效性。與其他回歸模型對(duì)比,ERT估算模型在各項(xiàng)指標(biāo)評(píng)價(jià)中優(yōu)勢(shì)明顯,其中Pb的ERT模型的測(cè)試集R2達(dá)0.964,Cd的ERT模型R2為0.923。


    Aiming at the problems of weak spectral characteristic information and poor robustness of model inversion in the estimation of soil heavy metal content by hyperspectral remote sensing, it was proposed to construct spatial features of pollution source and sink to quantify the spatial influence factors of pollutant diffusion and aggregation, and integrate the spectral features to establish the estimation model of soil heavy metal content based on extremely randomized trees (ERT). Taking the cultivated soil of Jiyuan City as the study area, totally 249 soil samples were collected. The effectiveness and influence mechanism of spectral features, topographic features and spatial features of pollution sources in the inversion of soil heavy metal Pb and Cd were analyzed. The multi-source characteristics were optimized by permutation importance index, and the prediction accuracy of ERT model was evaluated by comparing with various regression models. The research showed that the ERT model constructed from the transformed soil spectral features can achieve a certain inversion accuracy, and the accuracy was significantly improved after the introduction of topographic features and spatial features of pollution sources. In particular, the advantage of the spatial features of pollution sources was more obvious, the RMSE of Pb ERT model was decreased from 43.185mg/kg to 22.301mg/kg, with decrease of 48.36%, the RMSE of Cd ERT model was decreased from 0.738mg/kg to 0.371mg/kg, with down of 49.73%, which fully demonstrated the effectiveness of the pollution diffusion spatial features. The results of multi-feature combination modeling experiments showed that the features with the high permutation importance index were the spatial features of the pollution source, followed by the spectral features. In the research, the estimation model established by using the selected features of the permutation importance index was very close to the optimal modeling accuracy when all the features were used, which showed the effectiveness of the feature screening method based on the permutation importance index. Compared with regression models such as MLR, SVM, RF, and GBDT, the ERT estimation model had obvious advantages in the evaluation of various indicators. The R2 value of the Pb ERT model in the test set reached 0.964, and the R2 value of the Cd ERT model was 0.923. The experimental results showed that the introduction of the pollutant diffusion spatial features and the fusion of spectral features to construct ERT model to estimate soil heavy metal content had high accuracy and certain popularization and application value.


于海洋,謝賽飛,郭靈輝,劉鵬,張平.融合光譜和空間特征的土壤重金屬含量極端隨機(jī)樹估算[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2022,53(8):231-239. YU Haiyang, XIE Saifei, GUO Linghui, LIU Peng, ZHANG Ping. Extremely Randomized Trees Estimation of Soil Heavy Metal Content by Fusing Spectra and Spatial Features[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2022,53(8):231-239.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-03-03
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2022-05-26
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