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    農(nóng)田尺度下作物葉面積指數(shù)(Leaf area index,LAI)的精準(zhǔn)監(jiān)測,對于研究群體結(jié)構(gòu)對產(chǎn)量和管理措施的響應(yīng)具有重要意義。目前普遍采用無人機(jī)光譜特征反演作物的LAI指數(shù),作為長勢和冠層結(jié)構(gòu)診斷的重要依據(jù),其估測精度的準(zhǔn)確性是否可以提高仍有待研究。作物表面特征,如灰度和顏色,在不同生育階段會(huì)發(fā)生變化。為此,本研究考慮到LAI的影響因素,設(shè)置不同的種植密度和氮素水平營造差異化的冠層結(jié)構(gòu),利用搭載多光譜傳感器的無人機(jī)獲取主要生育時(shí)期棉花的冠層圖像得到植被指數(shù)(Vegetation indexs,VIs),基于二階概率統(tǒng)計(jì)濾波(Co-occurrence measures)方法獲取均值(MEA)、方差(VAR)、協(xié)同性(HOM)、對比度(CON)、相異性(DIS)、信息熵(ENT)、二階矩(SEM)和相關(guān)性(COR)等8個(gè)紋理特征值(Texture features, TFs)。最后,采用支持向量機(jī)回歸(SVR)、偏最小二乘法(PLSR)、深度神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)(DNN)分別建立基于光譜特征、紋理特征以及二者結(jié)合的棉花LAI的估算模型,并比較差異。試驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明:VI(nir/green)、VI(nir/red)、GNDVI、OSAVI和均值與LAI具有較高的相關(guān)性;采用SVR建立的LAI估測精度最高(R2=0.78,RMSE為0.22,RRMSE為0.10);在3種估算模型中,植被指數(shù)與紋理特征相結(jié)合的SVR模型,較VIs、TFs模型精度分別提高7.89%和32.26%。因此,融合無人機(jī)光譜信息和圖像紋理的LAI估算模型為密植作物棉花冠層結(jié)構(gòu)的診斷提供了一種可行、準(zhǔn)確的方法。


    Accurate prediction of crop leaf area index (LAI) at farm scale is important for studying the response of population structure to yield and management practices. The inversion of the LAI of crops by spectral features from drones is now commonly used as an important basis for diagnosing crop growth and canopy structure, and it remains to be investigated whether the accuracy of its estimation can be improved. Crop surface features, such as greyscale and colour, can change under different levels of structural complexity. For this reason, the influence of LAI was taken into account by setting different planting densities and nitrogen levels to create a differentiated canopy structure, using an unmanned aerial vehicle with a multispectral sensor to obtain canopy images of cotton during the main fertility periods to obtain vegetation indices and second-order probability-based statistical filtering (co-occurrence measures) in the near infrared band to extract mean (MEA), variance (VAR), synergy (HOM), contrast (CON), dissimilarity (DIS), information entropy (ENT), secondorder moments (SEM) and correlation (COR) of the eight texture feature values. Finally, support vector regression (SVR), partial least squares regression (PLSR) and deep neural networks (DNN) were used to develop models for estimating cotton LAI based on spectral features, texture features and a combination of the two, respectively, and to compare the differences. The results showed that the vegetation indices VI(nir/green), VI(nir/red), GNDVI, OSAVI and mean had high correlation with LAI; the LAI estimation accuracy established by SVR was the highest (R2=0.78, RMSE was 0.22, RRMSE was 0.10); among three estimation models, the SVR model combining VIs and texture features improved the accuracy by 7.89% (VIs) and 32.26% (TFs), respectively, over the single parameter type model. Thus the LAI estimation model incorporating UAV spectral information and image texture provided a feasible and accurate method for the diagnosis of cotton canopy structure in dense crops.


邵亞杰,湯秋香,崔建平,李曉娟,王亮,林濤.融合無人機(jī)光譜信息與紋理特征的棉花葉面積指數(shù)估測[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2023,54(6):186-196. SHAO Yajie, TANG Qiuxiang, CUI Jianping, LI Xiaojuan, WANG Liang, LIN Tao. Cotton Leaf Area Index Estimation Combining UAV Spectral and Textural Features[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2023,54(6):186-196.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-01-31
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2023-04-20
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