
基于改進YOLO v5s的輕量級奶牛體況評分方法






Lightweight Dairy Cow Body Condition Scoring Method Based on Improved YOLO v5s

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    奶牛體況評分是評價奶牛產(chǎn)能與體態(tài)健康的重要指標。目前,隨著現(xiàn)代化牧場的發(fā)展,智能檢測技術(shù)已被應用于奶牛精準養(yǎng)殖中。針對目前檢測算法的參數(shù)量多、計算量大等問題,以YOLO v5s為基礎(chǔ),提出了一種改進的輕量級奶牛體況評分模型(YOLO-MCE)。首先,通過2D攝像機在奶牛擠奶通道處采集奶牛尾部圖像并構(gòu)建奶牛BCS數(shù)據(jù)集。其次,在MobileNetV3網(wǎng)絡中融入坐標注意力機制(Coordinate attention,CA)構(gòu)建M3CA網(wǎng)絡。將YOLO v5s的主干網(wǎng)絡替換為M3CA網(wǎng)絡,在降低模型復雜度的同時,使得網(wǎng)絡特征提取時更關(guān)注于牛尾區(qū)域的位置和空間信息,從而提高了運動模糊場景下的檢測精度。YOLO v5s預測層采用EIoU Loss損失函數(shù),優(yōu)化了目標邊界框回歸收斂速度,生成定位精準的預測邊界框,進而提高了模型檢測精度。試驗結(jié)果表明,改進的YOLO v5s模型的檢測精度為93.4%,召回率為85.5%,mAP@0.5為91.4%,計算量為2.0×109,模型內(nèi)存占用量僅為2.28MB。相較原始YOLO v5s模型,其計算量降低87.3%,模型內(nèi)存占用量減少83.4%,在保證模型復雜度較低與實時性較高的情況下,實現(xiàn)了奶牛體況的高效評分。此外,改進的YOLO v5s模型的整體性能優(yōu)于Faster R-CNN、SDD和YOLO v3目標檢測模型。本研究為奶牛體況評分商業(yè)化提供理論基礎(chǔ)和研究思路,為奶牛養(yǎng)殖業(yè)提供了智能化解決方案。


    Cow body condition score is an important indicator to evaluate the productivity and physical health of cows. At present, with the development of modern farming, intelligent detection technology has been applied to precision farming of dairy cows. In view of the problems of large number of parameters and large calculation of the current detection algorithm, an improved lightweight cow body condition scoring model (YOLO-MCE) was proposed based on YOLO v5s. Firstly, a 2D camera was used to acquire the cow tail images at the cow milking lane, and those images were filtered to obtain the final BCS dataset. Secondly, the coordinate attention (CA) mechanism was integrated into the MobileNetV3 network to build the M3CA network, which was used to replace the YOLO v5s backbone network to reduce the complexity of the model, and make the network feature extraction pay more attention to the location and spatial information of the cow tail area. Finally, the EIoU Loss function was used in the prediction layer of YOLO v5s to optimize the regression convergence speed of the target bounding box and generate a prediction bounding box with accurate positioning. The experimental results showed that the improved YOLO v5s model had a detection precision of 93.4%, a recall rate of 85.5%, an mAP@0.5 of 91.4%, a FLOPs of 2.0×109, and a model size of 2.28MB. Compared with the original YOLO v5s model, the FLOPs and model size of YOLO-MCE were reduced by 87.3% and 83.4%, respectively, which further showed that the proposed method can achieve efficient scoring of cow body conditions under the condition of low model complexity and high real-time performance. In addition, the overall performance of the improved YOLO v5s model was superior to that of the Fast R-CNN, SDD and YOLO v3 object detection models. The research result can provide a theoretical basis and research ideas for the commercialization of dairy cow body condition scoring, and offer a research direction for the application of intelligent algorithms.


黃小平,馮濤,郭陽陽,梁棟.基于改進YOLO v5s的輕量級奶牛體況評分方法[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學報,2023,54(6):287-296. HUANG Xiaoping, FENG Tao, GUO Yangyang, LIANG Dong. Lightweight Dairy Cow Body Condition Scoring Method Based on Improved YOLO v5s[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2023,54(6):287-296.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-02-21
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2023-04-05
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