






Design and Experiment of Rolling Film Cutting and Hole Punching Device for Rapeseed Seeder with Film Mulching and Perforating

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    In view of the problems existing in the actual operation process of the film hole forming device for rapeseed seeding, such as the excessive size of the hole, the irregular shape of the hole and the adhesion of the hole, etc., based on the principle of sliding cutting, a rolling film cutting and hole punching device was designed, the structural parameters of the perforating device and profiling mechanism were determined, and the kinematics model of the perforating device was established, the main factors affecting the film hole length and the range of its value were determined. Using DEM-MFBD coupling simulation, three factors and three levels regression orthogonal test, the simulation test was carried out with the forward speed of the whole machine, the length of the longitudinal blade and the height of the longitudinal blade as the test factors, the film hole length and the hole distance difference as the evaluation index. The results showed that the primary and secondary order of the influence of each factor on the length of the film hole was the length of the longitudinal blade, the forward speed of the whole machine and the height of the longitudinal blade. The primary and secondary order of the influence of each factor on the hole spacing difference was the height of the longitudinal blade, the forward speed of the whole machine and the length of the longitudinal blade. When the forward speed of the whole machine was 3.3km/h, the length of the longitudinal blade was 34mm, and the height of the longitudinal blade was 31mm, the film hole length was 44.78mm, and the hole distance difference was 0.64mm, the punching performance was better. The field experiment of rolling film cutting and punching device was carried out with the optimal parameter combination. The results showed that the average length of the film hole was 43.15mm, the coefficient of variation of the stability of the film hole length was 3.86%, the average hole distance difference was -1.32mm, and the film hole distance error was 4.22%, which met the requirements of film cutting and drilling for rapeseed sowing. The research result can provide reference for film cutting and punching device for rapeseed sowing.


廖慶喜,裴立民,張青松,王磊,羅湛程,符明聯(lián).油菜鋪膜打孔播種機(jī)滾動(dòng)式割膜打孔裝置設(shè)計(jì)與試驗(yàn)[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2023,54(9):85-98. LIAO Qingxi, PEI Limin, ZHANG Qingsong, WANG Lei, LUO Zhancheng, FU Minglian. Design and Experiment of Rolling Film Cutting and Hole Punching Device for Rapeseed Seeder with Film Mulching and Perforating[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2023,54(9):85-98.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-02-10
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2023-09-10
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