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    針對目前農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)器人在全局路徑規(guī)劃過程中存在規(guī)劃效率低、規(guī)劃路徑折線段多、折線角度大、作業(yè)不穩(wěn)定等問題,以果園履帶機(jī)器人為運動學(xué)模型,提出一種基于改進(jìn)A*算法+低階多段貝塞爾曲線拼接(Low-order multi-segment Bezier curve splicing,LM-BZS)算法的路徑規(guī)劃方法。首先,根據(jù)先驗地圖獲取果園環(huán)境信息,將果樹和障礙物視作不可通行區(qū)域,并結(jié)合機(jī)器人本體尺寸,對不可通行區(qū)域進(jìn)行膨脹擬合處理;然后,利用改進(jìn)A*算法搜索路徑,對初步生成路徑進(jìn)行樹行節(jié)點調(diào)整;最后,采用LM-BZS算法對調(diào)整后的路徑點進(jìn)行優(yōu)化處理,生成符合果園履帶機(jī)器人作業(yè)要求的行駛路徑。仿真試驗結(jié)果表明,相較于傳統(tǒng)A*算法,本文所提出的改進(jìn)算法在無障礙和有障礙環(huán)境中,路徑規(guī)劃時間分別減少76.75%、86.40%,節(jié)點評估數(shù)量分別減少36.68%、39.37%;經(jīng)LM-BZS算法優(yōu)化所得路徑在無障礙環(huán)境中,相較于傳統(tǒng)A*算法和高階貝塞爾算法,平均曲率分別降低45.81%、18.94%;在有障礙環(huán)境中平均曲率分別降低56.98%、27.81%。場地試驗結(jié)果表明,果園履帶機(jī)器人在對本文算法生成路徑進(jìn)行跟蹤行駛時,在無障礙和有障礙環(huán)境中,最大橫向誤差分別為0.428、0.491m,平均橫向誤差分別為0.232、0.276m,平均航向偏差分別為11.06°、13.76°,符合果園履帶機(jī)器人自主行駛條件。


    In order to solve the problems of low planning efficiency, many polyline segments of the planning path, large polyline angle and unstable operation of agricultural robots in the process of global path planning, a path planning method based on improved A* algorithm and low-order multi-segment Bezier curve splicing (LM-BZS) algorithms was proposed by taking the orchard crawler robot as the kinematic model. To begin with, the orchard environment information was obtained according to the prior map, the fruit trees and the obstacles were regarded as impassable regions, and the impassable regions were expanded and fitted according to the dimensions of the robot body. And then, the improved A* algorithm was used to search for the path, and the tree row nodes were adjusted for the preliminary generation path. In the end, the LM-BZS algorithm was used to optimize the adjusted path points to generate a driving path that meets the operation requirements of the orchard crawler robot. The simulation results manifested that compared with the traditional A* algorithm, the improved algorithm proposed reduced the path planning time by 76.75% and 86.40%, and the number of evaluation nodes by 36.68% and 39.37%, respectively in the barrier-free and obstacle environments. In the barrier-free environment, the average curvature of the path optimized by the LM-BZS algorithm was reduced by 45.81% and 18.94% compared with that of the traditional A* algorithm and the high-order Bezier curve algorithm, respectively, and the average curvature was reduced by 56.98% and 27.81% compared with that of the traditional A* algorithm and the higher-order Bezier curve algorithm in the obstacle environment. The field test results manifested that in the barrier-free and obstacle environment, the maximum lateral error was 0.428m and 0.491m, the average lateral error was 0.232m and 0.276m, and the average course deviation was 11.06° and 13.76° respectively, which was in line with the autonomous driving conditions of the orchard crawler robot.


張萬枝,趙威,李玉華,趙樂俊,侯加林,朱倩.基于改進(jìn)A*算法+LM-BZS算法的農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)器人路徑規(guī)劃[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報,2024,55(8):81-92. ZHANG Wanzhi, ZHAO Wei, LI Yuhua, ZHAO Lejun, HOU Jialin, ZHU Qian. Path Planning of Agricultural Robot Based on Improved A* and LM-BZS Algorithms[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2024,55(8):81-92.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-06
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2024-08-10
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