






Design and Experiment of Lyophyllum decastes Automatic Harvesting Device for Bottle Planting

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    針對瓶栽鹿茸菇工廠化采收裝備缺失的問題,提出了一種“輸-定-切-夾”采收工藝,并設計了相應的自動采收裝置,闡述了裝置總體結(jié)構(gòu)及工作原理,確定了整機作業(yè)流程。通過對栽培筐輸送過程運動學與力學分析,確定了導流條安裝角及輸送輥筒參數(shù);基于ANSYS LS-DYNA對切割過程進行了仿真分析,以切割速度、進給速度、帶鋸條前角及齒距為試驗因素,以切割反作用力為響應指標,通過響應面法進行了切割性能建模和優(yōu)化。結(jié)合物理試驗確定了最優(yōu)參數(shù)組合:切割速度為6.49m/min、進給速度為0.12m/min、前角為25°、齒距為7mm;采用ABAQUS軟件對柔性手指彎曲過程進行了仿真,結(jié)合物理試驗確定了柔性手指最優(yōu)結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)為:氣腔厚度2mm、氣腔7個、氣壓25kPa、限制層厚度3mm。整機試驗表明,裝置運行平穩(wěn),采收作業(yè)效果良好,平均采凈率、平均損失率和平均損傷率分別為98.18%、3.66%和2.75%,滿足瓶栽鹿茸菇實際采收要求。


    Aiming to address the deficiency in mechanized harvesting equipment for cultivated bottle planting Lyophyllum decastes, an automated harvesting device was designed to achieve the transportation and positioning of the cultivation basket for bottle planting Lyophyllum decastes, the fixation of the cultivation bottle, low-loss and high-quality root cutting of Lyophyllum decastes, and flexible clamping and transportation. The overall structure and working principle of the device were explained. Through mechanical and kinematic analysis of the cultivation basket conveying process, the installation angle of the guide bar was determined to be 71°. Based on ANSYS LS-DYNA, a simulation analysis was conducted on the root cutting process. Considering cutting speed, feeding speed, saw blade rake angle, and tooth pitch as influencing factors, and the cutting force was used as the response index. The response surface method was used to analyze the significant impact of each factor on the index. The regression model was optimized and validated through bench tests. When the cutting speed was 6.49m/min, the feeding speed was 0.12m/min, the front angle was 25°, and the tooth pitch was 7mm, the cutting force was the smallest. A flexible finger for harvesting Lyophyllum decastes was designed. Based on the Yeoh model theory, the rubber material parameters were fitted by using uniaxial tensile testing. Single factor experiments were conducted by using ABAQUS software, and combined with actual experiments, the optimal bending performance was obtained. The structural parameters of the flexible finger were air cavity thickness of 2mm, 7 air cavities, air pressure at 25kPa, and a restricting layer thickness of 3mm. The overall machine trials demonstrated that the device operates smoothly, exhibiting excellent harvesting performance. The average net harvest rate, average loss rate, and average damage rate were recorded as 98.18%, 3.66%, and 2.75%, respectively. These results met the actual harvesting requirements for bottle planting Lyophyllum decastes, ensuring efficient and effective harvesting.


吳彥強,侯獻偉,喻俊源,石浩彤,劉霞,侯加林.瓶栽鹿茸菇自動采收裝置設計與試驗[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學報,2024,55(8):105-116. WU Yanqiang, HOU Xianwei, YU Junyuan, SHI Haotong, LIU Xia, HOU Jialin. Design and Experiment of Lyophyllum decastes Automatic Harvesting Device for Bottle Planting[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2024,55(8):105-116.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-17
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2024-08-10
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