
基于FSLYOLO v8n的玉米籽粒收獲質(zhì)量在線檢測方法研究






Online Detection Method of Corn Kernel Quality Based on FSLYOLO v8n

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    玉米籽粒破碎率和含雜率是評價玉米收獲質(zhì)量的關鍵指標。針對當前玉米籽粒直收機缺少適用于復雜田間作業(yè)環(huán)境的收獲質(zhì)量在線檢測方法的問題,提出一種適用于小目標、多數(shù)量檢測目標的玉米籽粒破碎率、含雜率輕量化檢測方法。首先,根據(jù)圖像中完整籽粒、破碎籽粒、玉米芯和玉米葉個體數(shù)量與個體質(zhì)量的關系建立數(shù)量-質(zhì)量回歸模型,提出了籽粒破碎率和含雜率評估方法。其次,針對籽粒及雜質(zhì)大小相近,檢測物數(shù)量多,檢測物面積小的特點,提出一種改進的FSLYOLO v8n算法。算法通過FasterBlock模塊和無參數(shù)注意力機制SimAM改進主干網(wǎng)絡結構,并通過使用共享卷積結合Scale模塊對檢測頭進行改進。此外,使用SlidLoss函數(shù)替代YOLO v8n的原類別分類損失函數(shù)。FSLYOLO v8n模型的mAP@50為97.46%、幀速率為186.4f/s,與YOLO v8n相比提高6.35%和45f/s,且網(wǎng)絡參數(shù)量、浮點運算量分別壓縮到YOLO v8n的66.50%、64.63%,模型內(nèi)存占用量僅為4.0MB,其性能優(yōu)于目前常用的輕量化模型。臺架試驗結果表明,提出的檢測方法能夠精準檢測玉米籽粒破碎和含雜情況,檢測準確率高達95.33%和96.15%。將改進后的模型部署在Jetson TX2開發(fā)板上,配合檢測裝置安裝到玉米聯(lián)合收獲機上開展田間試驗,結果表明,模型能夠精準區(qū)分籽粒和雜質(zhì),滿足田間工作需求。


    The broken rate and impurity rate of corn kernels are key indicators for evaluating the quality of corn harvest. Aiming at the demand for online detection of corn harvest quality in complex agricultural environments, a lightweight detection method for corn kernel broken rate and impurity rate suitable for small and large detection targets was proposed. Firstly, a quantity and quality regression model was established for complete kernels, broken kernels, corn cobs, and corn bracts, and an evaluation method for kernel broken rate and impurity rate was proposed. Secondly, an improved FSLYOLO v8n algorithm was proposed to address the characteristics of similar grain and impurity sizes, large number of detection objects, and small detection area. The algorithm improved the backbone network structure through FasterBlock module and small detection area and parameter free attention mechanism SimAM, and improved detection head by using shared convolution combined with scale module. In addition, the SlidLoss function was used to replace the original category classification loss function of YOLO v8n. The average accuracy of the improved FSLYOLO v8n model mAP@50 was 97.46%, FPS was 186.4f/s, which was 6.35% and 45f/s higher than that of YOLO v8n. The network parameters and floating-point operations were compressed to 66.50% and 64.63% of YOLO v8n, respectively. The model size was only 4.0MB, and its performance was better than the commonly used lightweight models. The bench experiment showed that the proposed model can accurately detect the broken and impurity rate of corn kernels. The accuracy of the detection results was as high as 95.33% and 96.15%. The improved model was deployed on the Jetson TX2 development board and the device was installed on a corn combine harvester for field experiments.


張蔚然,杜岳峰,栗曉宇,劉磊,王林澤,吳志康.基于FSLYOLO v8n的玉米籽粒收獲質(zhì)量在線檢測方法研究[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機械學報,2024,55(8):253-265. ZHANG Weiran, DU Yuefeng, LI Xiaoyu, LIU Lei, WANG Linze, WU Zhikang. Online Detection Method of Corn Kernel Quality Based on FSLYOLO v8n[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2024,55(8):253-265.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-03
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2024-08-10
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