






Diagnosis of Cotton Water Stress Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing after Removing Soil Background

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    剔除無(wú)人機(jī)熱紅外影像中的土壤背景是提高作物水分診斷精度的有效途徑,但也是熱紅外圖像處理的難點(diǎn)問(wèn)題。本文以不同水分處理的花鈴期棉花為研究對(duì)象,分別在09:00、13:00和17:00等3個(gè)時(shí)刻,連續(xù)5d采集無(wú)人機(jī)高分辨率熱紅外影像,并采用二值化Ostu算法和Canny邊緣檢測(cè)算法對(duì)熱紅外圖像進(jìn)行掩膜處理,實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)土壤背景的剔除,然后分別計(jì)算二值化Ostu算法、Canny邊緣檢測(cè)算法和包含土壤背景下的3種棉花水分脅迫指數(shù)(Crop water stress index,CWSI),最后建立不同時(shí)刻下3種CWSI與棉花葉片氣孔導(dǎo)度Gs的關(guān)系模型。研究結(jié)果表明,應(yīng)用Canny邊緣檢測(cè)算法可有效剔除熱紅外影像中的土壤背景,剔除土壤背景后的溫度直方圖呈單峰的偏態(tài)分布;3種處理方法獲得的作物水分脅迫指數(shù)CWSI中,Canny邊緣檢測(cè)算法的CWSI最小,二值化Ostu算法的CWSI較高,包含土壤背景的CWSI最大;采用Canny邊緣檢測(cè)算法剔除土壤背景后的CWSI與棉花葉片氣孔導(dǎo)度Gs的決定系數(shù)R2達(dá)到0.84,Ostu算法的結(jié)果次之,包含土壤背景的最差。本研究可為無(wú)人機(jī)熱紅外遙感監(jiān)測(cè)作物水分狀況提供參考。


    With the rapid development of remote sensing platform of low altitude unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the dynamic, fast and inexpensive features, the UAV remote sensing platform has more research in various fields, especially in the precision agriculture irrigation technology. The unmanned aerial vehicle thermal infrared low altitude remote sensing technology can quickly monitor the canopy temperature information of the crop, which can further use the canopy temperature information to diagnose the water stress condition of the crop. However, the processing of high resolution thermal infrared image of UAV is the key to the diagnosis of crop moisture, eliminating the soil background of UAV thermal infrared image is an effective way to improve the accuracy of crop water diagnosis. However, it is also a difficult problem in thermal infrared image processing. Different water treatments were carried out, including I1 (50% of field holding water), I2 (65% of field holding water), I3 (80% of field holding water) and I4 (control group 95%~100% of field holding water), and each water treatment set three repeat tests, a total of 12 plots, each plot was 4m×5m). Flower boll cotton was taken as study object at 09:00, 13:00 and 17:00 of day, respectively, and UAV high resolution thermal infrared images were obtained. Firstly, the two-valued Ostu algorithm and the Canny edge detection algorithm were used to deal with the thermal infrared image, and achieve the elimination of soil background, then, the two-valued Ostu algorithm and Canny edge detection algorithm contained soil background were used to calculate the crop water stress index, finally, the relationship models between three kinds of crop water stress index (CWSI) and cotton leaf stomatal conductance at different times was established. The researchresults showed that the application of Canny edge detection algorithm can effectively eliminate the soil background in thermal infrared image, and there was a single peak distribution of the temperature histogram after removing the soil background. Among the crop water stress index obtained from three kinds of treatment methods, the CWSI of Canny edge detection algorithm was the minimal, the CWSI of two-valued Ostu algorithm was higher, and the CWSI with soil background was the largest. The determination coefficient between CWSI and cotton leaf stomatal conductance by using Canny edge detection algorithm to remove the soil background was up to 0.84, and that by using two-valued Ostu algorithm resulted the second, and that got by containing soil background was the worst. The research result can provide a reference method for monitoring water condition of the plant by UAV thermal infrared technology.


張智韜,邊江,韓文霆,付秋萍,陳碩博,崔婷.剔除土壤背景的棉花水分脅迫無(wú)人機(jī)熱紅外遙感診斷[J].農(nóng)業(yè)機(jī)械學(xué)報(bào),2018,49(10):250-260. ZHANG Zhitao, BIAN Jiang, HAN Wenting, FU Qiuping, CHEN Shuobo, CUI Ting. Diagnosis of Cotton Water Stress Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing after Removing Soil Background[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2018,49(10):250-260.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-04-09
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  • 在線發(fā)布日期: 2018-10-10
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